tnt amrx 9:22

Oma. Is all the way in the back? Yeah I got you. Okay I need to take a blood pressure. Blood sugar okay. Give me a second. I just think popped off. I understand all these people. We can go outside to eat okay. Here today all of us who are alive. Y’all spoke with you face to face. On the mountain from the midst of the fire Covenant he laid out the marriage Arrangement and he said the obedient to it and you will be blessed okay. When I shall make a renewed or a new covenant with the house of Israel. And with the house of Yahoo dot so the New Covenant is made with the house of Israel and the house of First 32 notice what it says not like the comment I made with their fathers in the day when I strengthen their hand to bring them out of the land of mid fryeed my Covenant which they broke they did not obey the Commandments and they went after false deities and committed Abominations they broke the original Covenant it says my Covenant, which they broke though I was a husband to them declares you I married them. I set forth the marriage Arrangement they agreed and said they. Would have and he said I was a good husband I was a husband to them and they broke Covenant with me? First 33 for this is the Covenant I shall make with the house of Israel. After those days declares yeah this is talking about the whole house together. I shall put my Torah in there inward parts so under the New Covenant what is definitive of the New Covenant. That the Torah has been AB. Olished but that the Torah has been placed in the inward parts of the levers believers in. Your shoes. Think that’s true obedience. And write it on their hearts. Are going to be like a scroll and I’m going to write my Torah on their hearts and I shall be there Elohim and they. My people because they’re going to be empowered thank you. Well he’s promised to give the believer. The indwelling set apart Spirit of yah. Yah is going to give each believer his spirit and his spirit. Is the mechanism by which teaches us? Spirit. It says for I shall forgive their crookedness and remember their sins no more and so we see from this passage. That Israel broke the Covenant. The house of Israel, which is also called FYE. We’re talking about the 10 Northern tribes of the tribes that broke away from Yahoo. Those 10 tribes the dominant one of the 10 was that frame so it’s also known that collection of tribes is also known as Ephraim the house of Ephraim committed adultery and Abominations and y’all raised up The Sovereign of a Syria. Defeat the house of Israel or FYE and take away those 10 tribes. Into Exile and they were exiled into Assyria into the many nations of the Assyrian Empire and they lost their identity. They became uncircumcised they worship false deities they committed Abominations, they enter married, they became the nation’s. Y’all drove the house of Israel. The 10 tribes that broke away from Yahoo he drove them out of the land in other words he threw them out of his house and he gave them a certificate of divorce. So that they. Were no longer his people they were not his speaker but they assimilated into the nation’s. And they didn’t know who they were. They had the DNA of Ira. But they didn’t know that they were the seat of our route and they went into the Nations and they’re there today. Many of them are coming out Hallelujah when they believe apart you’re sure they’re coming out but they’re there today and the nations are coming in and Friday. We’re sending out the good news message every week. But also the house of And they were exiled in the Babylon. But y’all brought them back and Yahoo is the father of the Yahoo theme. Yahoo mean and their companions. So both of these houses and Yahoo committed adultery and broke the cover. Now go with me over to Ezekiel chapter 37 will pick up with verse 1 this is talking about the unification of Israel. Was upon me? And took me out by the spirit of Yahoo. And bones it was filled with death bones. And he made me pass among them all around and see. There were very many on the surface of the valley and see. They were very dry lifeless. And he said to me son of man with these bones live. Is it possible for these dry bones to actually live? So is it possible that these bones will live again? And I said oh Master yeah you know. Again he said to me prophesy to these bones speak and Proclaim declare my word to these bones think about that the word goes out and Supernatural things begin to happen. Hallelujah! You shall say to them all Dry Bones hear the word of yah. That said the master yah to these bones see I am bringing into you a spirit. I’m going to put a spirit in you and you shall live, live. And I shall put sinus on you and bring flesh upon you, and cover you with skin and put a spirit in you. You shall know that I am yeah. Well that reminds me of Ephesians chapter 2 beginning with verse 1 notice what show. Wrote, here says and you were dead. In trespasses and sins because you disobeyed because you were rebellious. You were lifeless you were like dried up bones. In which you once walked according to the course of this world. You acted just like the world did. According to the ruler of the authority of the air that’s. Of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Is against the Torah and in your sense. Sand is transgression against the total. Bursary among whom also we all want to lived in the lust of our flesh. Doing the desires of the Flesh and of the mind, and we’re by Nature children of Wrath as also the rest. Because of the way we were living we were stiffness we were rebellious we were in disobedience because of that we were children of Wrath in other words we deserved. The punishment of Eloy. But notice what it says in verse 4 but elevate. Who is rich in compassion? Because of his great love with which he loved us. Even when we were dead in trespasses, even though we had transgressed the Torah, even though we were rebellious, we were dead in our trespasses like dry bones. Made us alive together with Messiah it’s true belief in Messiah the dry bones are able to live again. To be born again to be born of the spirit so when we’re reading and Ezekiel 37 we’re reading about a prophecy that new birth through belief. Even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with Messiah by favor you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies in Messiah. Yeshua now keep all that in mind as we continue to read. This powerful prophecy in Ezekiel 37 will pick up with verse 7. And I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and there was a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone and I looked and so I’ll send you and flesh Came Upon them and skin covered them but there was no spirit in there. He then said to me prophesied to the spirit. Prophesy son of man and you shall say to the spirit thus said the master yah. Come from the Four Winds old Spirit the word spirit means breath or went and breathe on these killed ones. So that they live they were dead in trespasses and sins and I prophesied as he commanded me and the Spirit came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet. A very great Army. And he said to me son of man these bones are all the house of Israel. See they their bones were dry. Are expectancy has Parish because the house of Israel broke the Covenant they committed adultery. It says our expectancy are Our Hope Has perished and we ourselves have been cut off therefore prophesy. You shall say to them thus said the master yacht c o my people I am opening your burial sites and shall bring you up from your burial sites and shall bring you into the land of his. And you shall know that I am Young when I open your burial sides my people and bring you up from your burial sites and I shall put notice my spirit in you and you shall live and I shall settle you. In your own land and you shall know that I have spoken and I have done it declares yeah. Hallelujah! He promises to put his spirit. In the dry bones. In the house of Israel. That had been punished the house of Israel. They were dead. My spirit in them keep that in mind because when a person believes upon Yeshua. Then the promise of the indwelling, set apart Spirit of Yahoo. Is given. Y’all made a promise. And he said through you I’m through your example of belief obedience and through the redemptive work of Messiah. I’m going to bless. All the world. The nations of the world will be blessed. And what that speaks of is that when we receive in Yeshua from you. His indwelling set apart Spirit he places his spirit in US and yeah by his Spirit then takes the Torah and puts it in our minds. So we think about how we can love you all the way he wants to be loved through obedience. And now by his Spirit writes the Torah on our hearts he internalizes the Torah. The Torah becomes a part of us. why does he do that? Because he doesn’t want another failed marriage. He’s going to equip us, he’s going to empower us he’s going to give us the want to be successful in the marriage, he’s going to give us a lot. But it is so powerful we need to understand and the power to be obedient. Because he’s going to give us his spirit and his spirit is going to provide that for us hallelujah. Look at verse 15 and the word of y’all came to me saying and you son of man take a stick for yourself and write on it for Yahoo and for the children of Israel his companions so you’ll have one stick. That you’ll ride on it for Yahoo and his companions were talking about yeah bringing Yahoo dah and F Rahim. Also called the house of Israel together. Then take another stick and write on it for Yosef The Stick of f y e. And for all the house His companion so there’s two sticks one for Yahoo then bring them together for yourself into one stick and they shall become one in your hand this is y’all bringing. Obviously I held together. And when the children of your people speak to you saying. Won’t you show us what you mean by these? Say to them. Thus, said the master yah. See I’m taking the Stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of and the tribes of Israel his companions. And I shall give them unto him with the Stick of Yahoo and make them one stick and they shall be one in my hand Hallelujah. And the sticks on which you write shall be in your head before their eyes. And speak to them thus said the master ya see I’m taking the Chula Vista El from among the Nations where they have gone and Shall Gather them from all around and I shall bring them into their land and I shall make them one nation in the land on the mountains that he saw hell and One Sovereign shall be Sovereign over them all. This is talking about Yeshua, this is talking about. The unification of the House of efraine with, the house of Yahoo dot bringing the whole house and he throw together through belief in Yeshua and when they believe then. Is going to be fulfilled the father is going to place his Spirit within them they’re going to come alive? And they’re going to have the Torah in their minds and written upon their hearts they’re going to have the want to and the power to be obedient and y’all is going to have them. His special treasure his treasured possession that he said he wanted in the Torah. Hallelujah that’s what this is talking about them all and let them know longer be two Nations and let them know longer be divided into two reins nor with their disgusting matters nor with any of their transgressions. And I shall save them from all their Dwelling Places in which they have sinned? And I shall cleanse them. And they shall be my people and I be there Elohim while the weed my servant is Sovereign over them speaking of Yeshua. And they shall all have one Shepherd and walk in my right rulings and guard my laws and shall do them we’re going to read another verse here in Ezekiel chapter 37 that says almost these exact words first 25 and they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Yahoo my servant where your father’s dwelt and they shall dwell in it they and their children’s children forever and my servant that we’d be their prince forever again this is speaking of Yeshua and I shall make a covenant of peace with them this is the New Covenant and Everlasting Covenant it is with them and I shall place them and increase them, and shall place my set apart place in their midst forever. And so again you have is prophesying of the time that would come in the future when Yeshua. Would make available? Through belief in here. The promise of the father. Yes, indwelling set apart spirit. Who once again I’ll say it because it’s so important. Takes the Torah and places it in our inward parts and write it upon our hearts. And y’all by his spirit gives us the want to and the power to be obedient so that we can keep Covenant with him. So that he doesn’t have another failed marriage, but we have success in the Covenant now go with me over to Romans chapter 11 we’ll pick up with verse 1 and this is riding to the congregation of belief in Rome I say then has Elohim rejected his people. Speaking of the Yahoo game the Jews. Let it not be. For I also and melissael of the seat of araha. Of the tribe of, Benyamin see it was yahoo mean that made up the house of Yehuda and of course their companions. First two Elohim has not rejected his people whom he knew beforehand or do you not know. What the scripture says of eliyahu or Elijah how he pleased with Elohim against Israel saying yeah they have killed your prophets and overthrown your Slaughter places and I alone and left, and they seek my life. But what does the answer of Elohim say to him? I have left for myself 7,000 men who have not bowed the knee to the aisle so therefore also at this present time at the time? That Saul is riding this letter to the congregation of belief in Rome at this present time a Remnant according to the choice of favor has come to be so there was a remnant of the Yahoo team of the Jews who were believing upon Yeshua at that time and they were coming out of unbelief. And they were believing upon Yeshua and receiving your spirit they were coming alive in the spirit so there was a remnant of the Jews who were coming to believe or six and if by favor. It is no longer of Works in other words you have to believe in Yeshua. Otherwise no longer favor. And if it is of works of Torah is no longer favor. Otherwise work is no longer work what then. He saw hell has not obtained what it seeks, but the chosen did obtain it unbelieving Israel did not obtain what it seeks but the chosen did obtain it. In other words, obtained a justification through their belief a justification which leads to True obedience and the reception of course of Yahoo and the rest were hardened. So I’m believing East trial. The unbelieving Jews were hardened. Has given them a spirit of Deep Sleep eyes not to see and ears not to hear unto this day that we’d also says let their table become a snare let their table become for a snare? And for a trap and for a stumbling block and a recompense to them let their eyes be darkened not to see and bow down their backs always versatile I say then have they stumbled that they should fall. Let it not be. But by their fall, Deliverance has come to the Nations to provoke them, the Jews, to jealousy. Remember who’s in the nation’s FYE. Because of their fall deliverance. Has come to those who are no longer than people of Elohim why to provoke the Jews to jealousy? First well and if their fall is riches for the world and their failure riches for the nation’s how much more they’re completeness. For I speak to you the nations in as much as I am an emissary to the Nations I esteem my service if somehow I might provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh and say some of them so he was of the House of benign and then you mean and Yahoo the Jews to jealousy and how is y’all going to do that. He’s going to gather up he’s going to bring to life. Those who are in the Nations he’s going to restore FYE. To believe, this is so powerful. So go with me over to Deuteronomy chapter 32 and we’ll pick up with verse 21 and we’ll see that the Torah is speaking about these very things. This is y’all speaking they made me jealous by what is not l. In other words I became jealous because they went after false deities. They left me they broke my Covenant and they went after false deities they committed adultery and they made me jealous by what is not l. They provoked me with their worthless matters they provoked me with their idolatry and with their abomination. But I make them jealous now I’m going to turn this thing on them now I’m going to make them jealous he says, but I made them jealous by those who are no people. This is a prophetic work. I’m going to go into the Nations and I’m going to gather up those. That I divorced they were no longer my people. When I threw them out of the land. And they were assimilated into the Nations and they’re in the Nations now I’m going to bring a people up out of the Nations and I’m going to make the Jews. The Yahoo deem the house of Yahoo dot jealous by those who are no people. I provoke them with a foolish Nation. The Torah says a wise nation is one. That has the total. A foolish nation is one who doesn’t follow the toll. Remember what I said about FYE they became uncircumcised, they worship false deities. They no longer followed the Torah. And so now this is a prophecy that yah is going together up. Those who are no longer his people they’re going to become his people? And those who do not have the Torah? He’s going to bring unto himself and he’s going to place his Torah in their minds, in their inward parts, and write it upon their hearts and that relationship is going to make the Yahoo theme the Jews jealous. Go with me over to Romans, chapter 11 we’ll pick up reverse 25. Says for i do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret, brothers going to tell us a secret. Less you should be wise in your own estimation. That hardening in part has come over East trial. So part of Israel is hardened, Yahoo Dot, then yummy and their companions. They’ve been hardened. It says until the of the Nations has come in and FYE. Is not hardened frame is believing because FYE have been cast out? And if Rahim was in the Nations. And this is the strategy of God to make the Yahoo. Verse 26. And so all Israel shall be saved the whole house. There will be people from the whole house of Israel in this great justification is great salvation as it has been written the deliverer. Shall come out of town and he shall turn away wickedness from Yahoo and this is my Covenant with them. Is going to deliver? Hallelujah and there will be people of all the tribes of the whole house. Believing upon your Shore. Receiving the indwelling set apart Spirit of yah. Having the Torah placed in their inward parts and written on their hearts and entering and this New Covenant is defined by the fact that yeah is going to do this tremendous work by his spirit. To give his people the want to and the power to be obedient so that they don’t break. This renewed or this new covenant. Hallelujah! Verse 28 truly as regards to the good news they are enemies for your sake speaking of the yehudim the Jews but concerning the choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers for the gifts are not to be repented of. For, as you also at one time, disobedience elohi speaking to the Nations. You who have been brought out of the Nations? Restored f r e but now have obtained compassion. Through their Disobedience because y’all wants to make them jealous through what he does for you. So also these have now disobeyed. That through the compassion shown you they also might obtain compassion. For Elohim has shut them all up to disobedience in order to have compassion on all. So he has shut up the Yahoo team. To Disobedience, although there’s always been coming out. The vast majority of them have not obeyed in order to have compassion on the Nations, to have compassion on FYE to restore Ephraim from the Nations to bring Ephraim and his companions anyone who would believe. Verse 33 oh the depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of Elohim Hallelujah. How unsearchable his judgments and untraceable his ways. For who has known the mind of God this was a great mystery that’s been revealed? Or who has become his counselor who teaches y’all? Or who first gave to him and it shall be given back to him in other words yah is no debtor to anyone. Because of him and through him, and to him are all to, whom be esteemed forever a man and then look over Romans chapter 9 and we’ll pick up with verse 23 this is really interesting and that he yeah might make known The Riches of his esteem on vessels of compassion. Which he had prepared beforehand for esteem. Even whom he called. Not only us of the Yahoo deem but also of the Nations. I shall call them my people, who were not my people, remember, he divorced Frankie through them out of the land and her beloved. Who was not my beloved? In other words I’m going to marry them. And it shall be in the place where it was said to them you are not my people. There they shall be called sons of the living. By doing this work I’m going to cause the Yahoo team or the Jews to be jealous. There’s 27 and Yahoo. This is talking about Isaiah cries out on behalf of. The Remnant shall be saved, for he is bringing a matter to an end and is cutting and short and righteousness, because yah shall cut short of matter on the earth and as you Yahoo, said before, if you’re a host had not left us a seed, we would have become like sidome and we would have become like Amura. What shall we say then? That, but Israel, following after the tour of righteousness, have obtained righteousness, even the righteousness of belief. Yes, that’s exactly what happened. Has not arrived at the tour of righteousness? And yet who need following after the Torah. Did not believe the vast majority of them? And so they didn’t arrive at the law of righteousness because the Torah leads people to Yeshua. Or 32 why because it was not of belief. But as by works of Torah they were trying to be justified by works of Torah apart from believing in Yeshua. So they stumbled at the stone of stumbling Yeshua as it has been written see I lay and see on a stone of stumbling and a rock that makes for falling. And everyone who is believing on him Yeshua, shall not be put to shame so. Go with me back to the Torah. Deuteronomy chapter 30 we’ll pick up with verse 1 and this is going to tell us that. There’s coming a time this is a prophecy in the Torah. That y’all will cause believers in Yeshua to be obedient to keep his Covenant. Look at verse one and it shall be when all these words come upon you the blessing and the curse, which I have set before you. So y’all said if you obey you’ll be blessed if you’re disobey you’ll be cursed. And you shall bring them back to your heart or remember among all the nations where yah your elderly drives you so you going to remember this when you’re. In the midst of the Nations wherever y’all drive you and you shall turn back to your Elohim as test you love. And obey his voice you’re going to obey his voice and his commands according to all that I command you today. With all your heart and, with all your being. You and your children. To the master and obedience and she’ll have compassion on you the dry bones. And he shall turn back and gather you from all the peoples where y’all your Elohim has scattered you. If any of you are driven out to the farthest Parts under the heavens from there yeah you’re Elohim does gather you and from there he does take you and y’all your Elohim shall bring you to the land with your father’s possessed and you shall possess it. And he shall do good to you and increase you more than your father’s and y’all your Elohim shall circumcise your heart this is so important and yeah. There’s another place in the Torah where. Elohim commands the people to circumcise their own Hearts while they didn’t do it they failed to do it and here we see a promise your heart and the heart of your seat. And what will that produce it says to love you you’re Elohim and how? Does y’all spell love obedience. To love y’all your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being so that you might live. Which I command you today. Now we need to go over to Colossians chapter 2 and pick up with verse 11 we’re going to see how yah circumcises the hearts of those who believe upon Yeshua. It says in him and Yeshua. You were also circumcised. With a circumcision not made with hands in the putting off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Messiah when you believe upon Messiah then your heart is circumcised verse 12 having been buried with him in immersion and baptism. In which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of Elohim who raised him from the dead Dry Bones coming alive Hallelujah verse 13 and you. Being dead in your trespasses there it is and the uncircumcision of your flesh. He elohi has made alive. Together with him. But Yeshua having forgiven you all trespasses. Now let’s look at Ezekiel chapter 36 and pick up with verse 25. It says and i shall sprinkle clean water on you, this is the head scale prophesy about what happens when a person believes upon Yeshua and of course this is talking about and you shall be clean. From all your filthiness and, from all your Idols I cleanse you this is an illusion to what about baptism and I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. And I shall take the Heart of Stone out of your flesh that’s the I don’t want to obey heart and I shall give you a heart of Flesh that’s the I want to obey heart and put my spirit within you that’s the power to obey. And I shall call you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings, and you shall do them so this is the work of y’all in the life of the believer y’all’s going to do this work by his Spirit he’s going to put a new heart in The Believer take that. Part of stone and resistance and disobedience. Moldable and shapable one who wants a heart that wants to obey and then he’s going to place his spirit in The Believer and give them the power to obey and he says I’m going to call you I’m going to do it. I don’t want another failed marriage I’m going to cause you to walk in my laws and guard my right rulings and you shall do them and then look at Romans chapter 8 we’ll pick up with verse 1 and this will continue along this thought. There is then now no condemnation to those who are in Messiah Yeshua notice who do not walk according to the flesh? But according to spirit. That’s within them. For the Torah of the spirit of the life and Messiah Yeshua. Has Set Me Free from the Torah of sin and of death so this Dynamic of the spirit living inside the believer bringing life? In Messiah Yeshua sets the believer free from this Dynamic of you saying you die Hallelujah. For the Torah being powerless in that it was weak through the flesh the Torah did not have power to make people obey it. LOL having sent his own son in the likeness of Flesh of sin. In the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin condemn sin in the flesh rendered sin powerless. So that the righteousness of the Torah here it is so that the righteousness of the Torah are the righteous requirement of the Torah or what the Torah requires so that the righteousness of the Torah should be completed in Us in other words we’re going to obey the door we’ll have the power to obey the toll. So that the righteousness. Spirit Hallelujah and so knowing these things we can get back. To what was written in the tour and we’re going to look at it again here just a moment and Exodus chapter 19. That followers of Yeshua are Yas treasure possession. Let’s look at a very interesting and powerful verse in First Peter chapter 2 picking up with verse 1. It says having put aside then all evil. And all deceit and hypocrisies, and envyings and all evil words as newborn babes. Desire the unadulterated milk of the word and order that you may grow by it if indeed you have tasted that the master is good Drawing Near to him a living Stone rejected indeed by men but chosen by Elohim and precious speaking of Yeshua you also as Livingston. Are being built up a spiritual house. A set of part priesthood keep that in mind to offer up spiritual Slaughter offerings acceptable to elderly through Yeshua Messiah. First six because it is contained in the scripture. See I lay and see on a cheap Cornerstone chosen precious. And he who believes on him shall by no means be put to change speaking of Yeshua this preciousness then is for you who believe, but to those who are disobedient. The stone which the builders rejected has become the Chief Cornerstone and a stone of stumbling and a rock that makes for falling. Who stumble because they are disobedient? To the word to which they also were appointed in other words they’re they don’t believe in Yeshua. But you are a what chosen race speaking of all believers speaking of believing East right now believe. A royal priesthood. A set apart Nation. A people for a possession. That you should proclaim the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His marvelous Light. Who once were not a people but now the people of Elohim. Who had not obtained compassion? But now obtained compassion now let’s break this down and look at some other verses that would agree with what was said here in 1st Peter. Chapter 2. All right deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 15 speaks of the chosen race. It says you’re delighted only in your father’s. To love them and he chose their seed after them. You Above All Peoples as it is today. Now keep that in mind after them he delighted only in your father’s to love them and he chose their seed after them. Look at Galatians chapter 3 beginning with verse 26 it says for you are all sons of Elohim through belief and Messiah Yeshua. For as many of you as were immersed or baptized into Messiah have put on Messiah. There is not slave nor free, there is not male and female for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua and if you are of Messiah. Then you are Seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise and so yeah. Delighted only in your father’s to love them and he chose their seat after that you’re included in that. This is speaking of believing Israel. Hallelujah! And you are seed of overall and heirs according to the promise and then look at Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 6 it says for you are a set apart people to y’all. Your Elohim yeah you’re Elohim has chosen you. To be a people for himself a treasured possession above all the peoples on the face of the Earth. The original House of Israel. Talking about the whole house went after fall cities but this word is fulfilled. In those, who believe upon Yeshua. And are part of this New Covenant that’s been cut with the house of Israel and the house of Yahoo. And so you’ve been chose to be a people for himself a treasured possession. Isaiah chapter 61:6 says but you shall be called Priests of yah. Servants of our Elohim. Shall be said of you. You shall consume the strength of the Nations and boast in their esteem other words the nations are going to look at you and they’re going to think you’re royalty. But you’re a priest of you you’re a priest of the king and so you are a part of the royal. Priesthood Revelation chapter 1 verse 5 says and from Yeshua Messiah. The trustworthy witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the sovereigns of the earth he’s the ruler of the sovereigns of the Earth the King of Kings as some translations say The Sovereign of sovereigns. To him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood. And has made us sovereigns and Priests? To his elohiman father to him be esteem and Rule forever and ever I’ll make he’s made us a rain of priests. To his Elohim we are a royal priesthood Revelation chapter 5 verse 9 and they sang A Renewed song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open it seals because you were slain and have redeemed us to Elohim by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and made us sovereigns and Priests. To our Eloise. And we shall reign upon the Earth we are a reign of priests. Of royal priesthood Revelation chapter 20 verse 6 blessed and set apart is the one having part in the first resurrection the second death possesses no authority over these, but they shall be priests allele and shall reign with him a thousand years Hallelujah and then let’s look at this phrase a set apart Nation. Access Chapter 19 Verse 6 we read this in our Torah portion it says and you shall be to me a reign of priests and a set apart Nation. Those are the words, which you are to speak to the children of Israel you are set apart you are a nation set apart to Elohim other words you are the Bride of elevate you are set apart to heal and then a people for a possession. Isaiah chapter 43:21 this people I have formed for myself. Let them relate my praise this people I have formed for myself you can truly say that about believing East right now for himself we are his possession we are people for a possession and he goes on to say let them relate my praise keep that in mind. And then over in Hosea chapter 1 and verse 9. This talks about how. The house of Israel FYE in the Nations. They were not a people but now they are the people of element. It says then he said. Call his name for you are not my people and I am not for you. Get the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which is not measured nor counted. And it shall be in the place where it was said to them you are not my people they shall be called you are the sons of the living hell and then it goes on to talk about how. Believing Israel has been called out of Darkness into His marvelous Light. Go with me over to Isaiah chapter 60 we’ll begin with verse 1 arise sh and the esteem of yah has risen upon you. For look Darkness covers the earth and thick Darkness the peoples, but yah arises over you and his esteem is seen upon. You and the nation shall come to your light. And sovereigns to the brightness of your Rising lift up your eyes all around and see all of them have gathered they have come to you. Your son’s come from afar and your daughters are supported on the side. Verse 5 then you shall see and be bright and your heart shall throb and swell for the wealth of the sea is turned to you the riches of the Nations come to you Hallelujah. We give praise to the Almighty. And then let’s look at Colossians, chapter 1, verse 12 it says giving thanks to the father who is made us fit to share in the inheritance of the set apart ones notice in the light so you sure was that great light and we have gravitated to the light we’ve been called out of Darkness into His marvelous Light and so we want to end today with. Returning back to the tolerant Exodus chapter 19 verse 5 and I want you to see how this prophecy this word. Spoken originally to the original Covenant israel. Is fulfilled? In those who believe in Yeshua. Every believer who has a belief? That leads to obedience. Is the Fulfillment? Of Exodus chapter 19 verses 5 and 6 let’s read it and now if you diligently obey my voice well now you have the want to obey and the power to obey because y’all has given you his Spirit and the Torah. Is in your inward parts and written upon your hearts? And now if you diligently obey my voice and shall guard my Covenant. We’re obeying eloe we’re keeping his Commandments. Then you shall be my treasured possession above all the peoples we’re going to be his. Bride you can say the Bride of Michelle. And you shall be to me a reign of priests. And a set apart Nation. Those are the words, which you are to speak to the children of Israel and these are the words that we take the heart today knowing that we are. Believing Israel and yah has done a marvelous work in US. Hallelujah! Our You can view, and pray for the needs listed and leave a prayer request as well. Join us every day for worship time. And on Shabbat for our home worship video resource you can find the times of worship and when our homeownership video resource plays on Shabbat on our website at But we were hard pressed on every Side conflicts without. Fears Within but Elohim who encourages the downcast encouraged Us by the coming of titas are Titus. And not only by his coming but also by the encouragement with which he was encouraged over you when he reported to us your longing your morning your honor for me so that I greatly rejoice and so this is saying I needed encouragement that I needed encouragement and so he sent titas, he sent Titus to bring up good word of encouragement and when Titus came and encouraged our hearts we Rejoice greatly I have another good report that I want to share with you. Teachers had a good report here’s a good report from Robin. It says this they’re trying family or traffic truth family after saying to myself. Got to remember to send those people some money. I finally sat down to write out a check and send this note, and then she talks about how she lives in Indiana and she had once lived in Texas and she closes by saying this, praying for many to respond to your truth as a result of the RV Outreach as well as the videos on social media in Messiah Yeshua Robin and so Robin was moved in her heart by Elohim. And she had that leading of the spirit of yah to send some support some financial support for the ministry and to send a note of encouragement and she said I finally got around to doing it and so she said her support she said her note of encouragement and we are in Courage by Robin who is our modern-day titas are Titus and so my question is have you been blessed have you been receiving from this ministry has y’all placed upon your heart to support this ministry and send a note of encouragement to all of us who are on the road. And going from state to state proclaiming the good news of Yeshua and teshava and yeshua’s lifestyle of Tara and also sending out these videos every week have you been blessed is y’all moving on your heart to support this ministry will you be a modern-day titas a Titus will you support this ministry and send us a note of encouragement because when you do it truly encourages all of us in the ministry as well as making it possible for our ministry to go forward and these videos to go out each week and be a blessing around the world and so as young leads we are so thankful that people are responding to his leadership and supporting this ministry and sending words of encouragement to us hallelujah. There are plenty of ways to give at Triumph and truth you can give online on our website at You can also give by mail to our triumph? Please make your text payable to try. If you would like to give towards the national and international by designating your. Giving on our website and if you are getting by check. We are so glad you are a part of the extended tribe and Truth family. You are listening to try and choose radio. Is entitled? Right rulings or judgments and today my message is entitled revealing the secrets of old so let me Begin by laying a foundation that we can build on and let me remind you that y’all brought the children and we know that the last plague that land of Egypt. And y’all spoke to Moshe and told Moshe to tell the people that on the 10th day of the month of Eve they are to go out and there to get a lamb for a household and the lamb is to be a perfect one a male a year old supposed to be mature but Young and without blemish. Of course, this is a picture of Yeshua who is the Lamb of Elohim. And they were to observe that lamb until the 14th day of Aviv and then between the evenings approximately between 3 and 5:00 p.m. they were to slay the lamp and take the blood of the Lamb and put the blood of the Lamb upon the doorpost and the lentil of their home. And then they were to prepare the lamb to be eaten that night after the sun went down and the lamb was to be eaten with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. The lamb was to be eaten with their sandals on and with their staff in their hand because they were going to be brought out of Egypt in great haste. And that night Elohim was going to send a message through the land. And every house that was not marked with the blood of the Lamb that house suffered judgment and there was the death of the firstborn. But every house that was marked by the blood of the Lamb when the messenger Valley saw the blood he passed over. That house and that’s where we get the term Passover. And so on the 15th day of the week was the time when they began to eat the unleavened bread and they were moving in haste. They were getting out of Egypt quickly then they began to move on to Mount Sinai and when they arrived at Mount Cena. Shovel out and so the events that surround what happened there at Mount Sinai. These are events that pertain the original shabuo and the original Shadow Oak pictures or points to the New Covenant shop. That would take place that first time. The death burial and resurrection of Yeshua. And so let’s start reading here at Exodus chapter 19 beginning with verse 17 and we’ll get right into this original childhood it says in Moshe brought the people out of the camp to meet with elegy and they stood at the foot of the mountain. And mount Sinai was in smoke all of it so the entire Mountain was covered in this thick dark cloud of smoke. Because you’re descended upon it in fire so y’all came down upon the mountain in fire there was fire. There was Smoke we’re going to read about all the other things that happened on the mountain it says and it’s smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace just billowing up from the top of the mountain into the heavens. And all the mountain trembled exceedingly the fire was so hot that the Rocks were melting and cracking, and popping, and splintering off. Have you ever started a campfire and the fire got so hot that the rocks that were underneath? Began to Splinter off and fly through the air. Well that’s what was happening on Mount Sinai and it says the mountain trembled exceedingly. I want a voice of the show for sounded long and became very. When a man blows the shofar it starts out strong and as he begins to run out of breath. It gets weaker and weaker but this so far blast started strong and got stronger, and stronger this was a Heavenly sound and this was yeah calling the people. Bringing together the assembly. Calling the people to Shamar here to hear and obey his voice. It says and when a voice of the shofar sounded long and became very strong Moshe spoke and Elohim answered him by voice and y’all came down upon Mount Sinai. On the top of the mountain so yeah himself came down upon the top of the mountain and y’all called Moshe to the top of the mountain and Moshe went up and y’all said go down and warn the people lest they break through unto you to see and many of them fall and so Moshe went down and he spoke to the people and let’s look at Exodus chapter 20 beginning with verse 1. And Elohim spoke all these words saying I am yeah your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Miss raeed out of the house of slavery so you speaking through the fire. These words are coming through the fire to the people they are hearing the very voice of Elohim and he delivers the 10 words. Or What’s called the marriage agreement. Look at Exodus chapter 20 verse 18 and all the people saw the Thunder. The lightning flashes. The voice of the show far and the mountain smoking. This was a terrible site to look at they were so afraid and the people saw it and they trembled and stood at a distance and said the motion you speak with us and we hear but let not Elohim speak with us. Not fear for Elohim has come to prove you. And an order that his fear be before you so that you do not send so that you do not transgress his commands. So the people stood at a distance but Moshe Drew near the thick Darkness where Elohim was he was in that great cloud of smoke. And then we’re going to see as we continue to read chapters 21 and 22 and 23 these are the right. That y’all gave the Moshe to put before the people let’s look at Exodus chapter 24 verse 3 and Moshe came and related to the people all the words of yah and all the right rulings so we see that. Moshe came before yeah and yeah is speaking emotion about all the right rulings came and he put them before the people and all the people answered with one voice. It’s like saying I do in a wedding. We agree we will do it we will obey the Covenant we will keep Covenant with you and Moshe wrote down all the words of yah and Rose up early in the morning. And built a Slaughter place at the foot of the mountain and 12 standing columns for the 12 tribes of Israel and he sent young men. And so this is the place and time where yeah. Gives to Moshe to related to the people. The Torah. The right rulings the people heard. The 10 words from Yahoo himself but then Moshe received other. Right rulings other judgments other laws and he wrote them down in a book and then he presented them to the people. The blood and put it in Basin so the blood of these offerings ascending offerings. He took half the blood and put it in basins. And half the bloody sprinkled on the slaughter place or on the altar and he took the book of the Covenant and he read in the hearing of the people. So he read to them all these right rulings he read the book of the Covenant to the people so that they would know. What y’all expect of them. And they said all that yah has spoken, we shall do and obey Shania. They said yes we agree. All that he has spoken to us. And Moshe took the blood and sprinkled it on the people they got sprinkled. And said see the blood of the Covenant, which yah has made with you concerning all these words in other words these words are the Covenant? And you’re obey these 10 words you’re the obey these additional. Right rulings as well. And that reminds me of Yeshua and what he said about his blood. Over in Luke chapter 22 beginning with verse 19 it says and taking bread. Broke it and gave it to them saying this is my body, which is given for you. Likewise the cup also after supper. Saying this cup is the renewed of the New Covenant in my blood. Which is shed for you and so yeshua’s blood of the Everlasting. Hallelujah! And so. What we see when we read. These passages concerning all of the events that transpired at Mount Sinai. We see that this is the time when the Torah was given to Israel and the word Torah means the teachings or the instructions to wrote is the plural. The teachings the instructions of elohe so these are the things I want you to keep in mind. As we move forward and as we begin to talk about shavuot in the New Covenant. The first thing to keep in mind is that Elohim came down upon a mountain he came down upon an elevated place or you might say an upper place. You may know where I’m going with that already and then there was a Fire on the Mountain. A great Inferno a great Flame if you were to ask any firefighter. That firefighter would tell you wherever there is a great flame there’s the sound of a rushing Mighty Wind because fire consumes oxygen. And wherever there’s a great fire there’s always the sound of a rushing Mighty Wind. Keep that in mind and then there was a Heavenly sound of a so far. That grew louder and louder. So there was a sound from heaven. And the scripture says the people were amazed and they feared and trembled. And then they heard his voice of Elohim directly in the original. Word was spoken by Elohim himself and then the people received the teachings. Of element. And then it’s interesting that the Torah was given in the wilderness and the Torah was given in the wilderness because it’s for all people. It’s for whosoever will it’s for a mixed multitude. It’s for whomever will believe so keep that in mind. Now go with me over to Genesis chapter 12 and we’ll begin with verse 1 and this passage is going to lay the foundation. For the phrase the promise of the father this is a very important phrase for us to understand. Let’s begin with verse 1 and y’all said to Abram. Go yourself out of your land from your relatives and from your father’s house and I shall make you a great nation and bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. And I shall bless those who bless you and curse him who curses you. And in you all the Clans or the families or you can say the nations of the Earth shall be blessed and so this is a promise that yeah. Made to avram. That through him and his seed. All the nations of the Earth. Will be blessed? Now let’s dig a little deeper and find out a little bit more about that Galatians chapter 3 and verse 16. Says this but the promises were spoken to avraham and to his seed that word seed is capitalized here. He does not say and to seeds as of many but as of one and to your seed and who is that seed that one. It is Messiah says who is Messiah and then Galatians chapter 3. Verse 13 says Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the toll is not cursed. The curse of the Torah. Is the curse that comes Upon A person who disobeys the Torah? And the ultimate curse of disobedience is the curse of death. So keep that in mind Messiah has redeemed us from the curse of the Torah having become a curse for us in other words. Is everyone, who hangs upon a tree and Yeshua died on a tree. In order that The Blessing of, Abraham might come upon the Nations. In Messiah those who have believed in messiah Yeshua? To receive the promise of the spirit through belief so what is The Blessing of Abraham that’s promised to the nation’s promise to everyone who will believe in Messiah it is the promise of the spirit of yah yah pouring out his spirit. On those who believe and so what is the promise of the father it is the promise made to our wrong and to his Capital scene the Messiah that through our Raha and his example of belief obedience and through Messiah and his work of Redemption on the tree all who believe in Yeshua will receive the promise of the indwelling set apart Spirit of yeah, yeah he’s going to put his Spirit upon every believer that’s the promise of the father. Now let’s go a little further let’s go over to Joel chapter 2 and pick up with verse 28 and this tells us that yoel. Prophesied of the outpouring of the spirit of yah. Even before the New Covenant. So let’s read it and after this it shall be that I pour out my spirit on All Flesh this is yah speaking. And he says I’m going to pour out my spirit. So the spirit is. The Father’s spirit it’s a piece of him he’s going to put a piece of him on every believer. And after this I shall pour out my spirit on All Flesh in other words everyone. Can receive my spirit if they will believe? Doesn’t mean he’s going to pour out his Spirit on everybody? But on all believers. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your sons and your daughters are going to Proclaim my word. Your sons and your daughters are going to speak my Torah. Your sons and your daughters are going to be empowered. Your old men dream dreams I’m going to communicate with the older people through dreams you’re young men see Visions I’m going to communicate through the younger people through vision and also on the mail servants and on the female servants. I shall pour out my spirit in those days and we are living in those days and I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the Earth blood and fire and Columns of smoke. The sun is turned into darkness and the moon and the blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of yah. First 32 and it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of yah shall be delivered your translation may say shall be saved. So the outpouring of your spirit when y’all pours out his spirit unbelievers it’s connected with his word being proclaimed and people hearing his word, and calling upon the name of yah and being delivered to being saved. And then go with me over to Jeremiah chapter 31 and we’ll pick up with verse 33. Now this is a powerful Revelation that you don’t hear talk about much and yet it’s definitive of the New Covenant. We see in the original shovel old that Yahoo. But under the new continent we see there is a second giving of the Torah has not been abolished like religion wants to say. But instead yeah gives the Torah a second time to those who believe in Yeshua. Look at Jeremiah 31 beginning with verse 33 for this is the Covenant. The Everlasting Covenant the New Covenant. After those days declares you notice I shall put my Torah in their inward parts. Your translation may say in their minds. And write it on their hearts this is the giving of the Torah too many people. I shall put my Torah in there. I’m going to internalize. We who believe are going to become like didn’t they waited for us and the food got cold. And they shall be my people. Notice and no longer shall they teach each one his name. Because I’m going to take scary. Then. Each one is brother saying no. All know me. From the least of them to the greatest of them declares you for I shall forgive their crookedness and remember their sin no you know if he’s too hyper and too aggressive you can give him one of those quinoa. He’s happy okay okay. These are the words, which I spoke to you while I was still with you. That all have to be filled are fulfilled that were written. In the Torah of Moshe and the prophets and the tattling concerning me to understand the scriptures and said to them thus it has been written. And so it was necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to rise again from the dead the third day. And that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations of these matters of my father upon you what is the promise of the father is the promise of the indwelling set of Parts and Yeshua said I’m sending the promise of my father upon you. You’re going to have the spirit of God come upon you. But you are the remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high when y’all puts his Spirit on you you’re going to be clothed with power with ability and that ability is going to come from on high and then Acts chapter 1 beginning with verse 4. It says I’m meeting with them he commanded them not to leave yerusha line but to wait for the promise of the father. He says, which you have heard from me remember words Yeshua taught them about the promise of the father. Yeshua taught them that the father was going to place his Spirit upon each one of them. Immersed in water on the Baptist but you shall be immersed. In the spirit of yah, yah’s Spirit not many days from now you’re going to be engulfed. So when they had come together. Receive power you shall receive ability. When the set apart Spirit has come upon you this is the spirit of the father? When the father places his Spirit on you. You’re going to receive ability and you shall be my Witnesses and Jerusalem and in all Yahoo. And to the end of the Earth and so Yeshua told them to wait and Jerusalem. Until you receive this power don’t go anywhere don’t preaching the sermons don’t try to cast out any demons don’t lay your hands on any sick people. But wait there until you are clothed with power until the spirit of yah has come upon you and then you’re going to have the power to be Witnesses my Witnesses and your life and in all yes, and then look at Acts chapter 1 verse 13. They went up into the upper room. Where they were staying and it lists off those 11 emissaries. Verse 14 all these were continuing with one mind. In prayer they were in one mind because they knew what was coming Yeshua told him what was coming and they were praying to prepare themselves. With one mind and prayer and supplication with the women and Miriam the mother of Yeshua and with his brothers all right so. They went to the upper room. This is an upper place. You remember y’all came down on the mountain. He came down on an elevated place and upper place so they were also in an upper place in an upper room and it wasn’t just Moshe that was drawing near. To Halloween because under the New Covenant everyone who believes in Yeshua can draw near to Italy because we all have access to the father by The Same Spirit the spirit of yah. And then look at Acts chapter 2 we’ll begin with verse what. We see here that believing Israel receives the teacher and the teacher is yeah. Yeah through his spirit. Let’s read and when the day of the Festival of Shavuot. All right this is the New Covenant Shavuot. And when the day. One place again they had one mind because they know what was coming. And suddenly there came a sound from the heaven so that was a sound from Heaven A Heavenly sound just like the shofar. They got louder and louder. Being blown there at the original shot alone. And suddenly there came a sound from the heaven as of a rushing Mighty Wind remember. When there’s fire. There’s always the sound of a wind when there’s an inferno there’s always the sound of a great wind and so they heard a sound from the heaven as of a rushing Mighty Wind and it feels all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire. The fire came down upon Believers in Yeshua, there was a Heavenly sound, there was no sound and settled so each one of them had. This tongue of fire upon them. And they were all filled with the set apart spirit. And began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them. You see in the original shot of the world. Yeah, spoke to the people. In the New Covenant Shabbos. Not only speaking to the people you are speaking through the people. And so they have the fire of your upon them and they begin to speak what are they speaking well they’ve received. The power to prophesy and so they’re speaking the Torah. That’s been placed. They’re speaking the word of Elohim Hallelujah. They were all filled with the set apart spirit. This is the spirit of y’all. And began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them to speak. Every believer must be filled. This is not some sort of option or some sort of choice. Well I don’t think I want to be filled no definitive of the New Covenant. Yeshua took our sin. Dealt with our sin issue. Died in our place suffered our judgment. Was buried in raised? And then ascended to the right end of the father so that we Believers could receive the promise that y’all made. And that promise is the promise of yours indwelling set apart spirit. That we might receive the power. To speak the word the Torah that’s been placed in our minds and written Upon Our Hearts. That we might be used by eloe to proclaim the good news of Yeshua in all the nations of the world Hallelujah. First five says now in yerusha lie there were dwelling Yahoo Dean Jews. Dedicated men from every nation under the heaven. And when this sound came to me so they heard the sound too the crowd came together and we’re confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Again y’all was not only speaking too. These emissaries, these believers but he was speaking through. These Believers it says and they were all amazed and Marvel do you remember the people were amazed the people feared. And so these, who heard this sound and gathered together they heard. The word being spoken in their own languages. And all of these who were speaking were galileans they had never learned these languages. Was giving them these languages to speak? They were all amazed in Marvel saying to each other look are not all these who speak galileans. And how do we hear each one in our own language in which we were born? Of course, you can read all those Nations that are listed there look at. Starting with the second half of it, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the great Deeds of Halloween for the, great, Deeds of Halloween are written in the Torah they were speaking the Torah. The Torah had been placed in their minds and written upon their hearts and they were speaking in all these different languages they had never learned, but yeah had empowered them to do that by his spirit and were puzzled. Saying to each other what does this mean and others mocking said? They have been filled with sweet wine in other words they’re drunk, but Kevin was standing up with the 11 lifted up his voice and said to them men of Yahoo and all those dwelling in Jerusalem let this be known to you and listen closely to my words for these men are not drunk as you imagine since it is only the third hour of the day, but this is what was spoken by the profit. And then he “Yol and it’s the exact same prophecy that we read just a moment ago I’ll read a little bit more of it and after this it shall be that I pour out my spirit the spirit of you on All Flesh on all who would believe. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy shall proclaim the Torah shall speak the word. Your old men dream dreams your young men see visions and also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out my spirit in those days. And then notice in verse 32 and it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of ya shall be saved or shall be delivered this translation says. Hallelujah and so let’s look at Acts chapter 2 verse 22. Because after he declares this is what was spoken he continues to preach. And this is what kepa says man of Israel hear these words. Yeshua of Nazareth a man from Elohim having been pointed out to you by Mighty works and wonders and signs with Elohim did through him in your midst as you yourself also know this one given up by the purpose and put the death through the hands of Lawless men. The Romans him Elohim raised up having loose the Pains of death because it was impossible that he could be held in its grip and then look at verse 36. Therefore let all the house and he said no for certain. That Elohim has made this Yeshua whom you and pale. Both master and Messiah. And having heard this they were pierced to the heart and said the kefa and the rest of the emissaries men brothers what shall we do and Kevin said to them repent and let each one of you be immersed. In the name of Yeshua Messiah for the Forgiveness of sins so you need to repent and, you need to be immersed you, need to be water baptized for the Forgiveness of sins that’s a place where your heart is circumcised by the circumcision of Messiah. And you shall receive the gift of the set apart spirit. You’re going to receive the promise of the father you’re going to receive the gift of the set apart Spirit of yah for the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are far off as many as y’all are Elohim shall call. And with many other words he earnestly witnessed and urge them saying be saved from this crooked generation notice then those indeed who gladly received his word. We’re immersed. And on that day about 3000 beings were added to them so about 3,000 beings were brought to life in Messiah Yeshua on that day of Shavuot Hallelujah. Now I have to take you back over to the Torah. And take a look at Exodus chapter 32, beginning with verse 26, because in that original Shavuot setting. The people were disobedient. Moshe was up on the mountain and the people got restless. And they said we don’t know what happened to this Moshe and of course they pressured our own to make them a golden calf and they worshiped that golden calf back down. And he addressed the people in their Disobedience and notice verse 26 of Exodus chapter 32 and Moshe stood in the entrance of the camp and said who is for you. Come to me and all the sons of gathered together to him and he said to them thus said Yahoo password and each one is friend and, each one is relative. And the sons of Larry did according to the word of Moshe notice and about 3,000 men of the People Fell that day. So in that original shovel episode. Because of the people’s Disobedience 3,000 people died. They were slain. But in the wonderful shallow world of the New Covenant. When those emissaries. Were filled with the spirit of God. And they were empowered to prophesy the Torah that had been placed in their minds and written upon their hearts. Hallelujah! And they proclaim the word. And the people heard the word they were cut to the heart and they repented and that day. 3,000 people came to life in Messiah on that day Hallelujah and then I want to talk about how your teachers believers by his set apart spirit because that’s definitive of the New Covenant. Let me take you back over to Jeremiah 31. And we’ll look at verse 34 it says that no longer shall they teach each one his neighbor. And each one is brother saying no yeah for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them declares you for I shall forgive their crookedness and remember their sin no more and so under the New Covenant. Y’all says I’m going to take responsibility for teaching my people and verse 20. It says this and you have an anointing. Talking about the spirit from the set apart one from Eloy and you know all. You know all because Elohim is taught you by his spirit. So you have an anointing you have the spirit you’ve been annoyed it by you. He’s placed his Spirit upon you and y’all has taught you by his spirit. Now look at verse 27. It says, but the anointing, which you have received from him stays in you and what stays in you the anointing? We’re talking about his spirit but the anointing. You’ve received his spirit. Stays in you. So that’s what’s in you. And you have no need that anyone should teach you. Well you of course we must read the Bible we have a love of the truth people who love the truth are going to read the Bible they’re going to meditate on the Bible on the word but when you do that. Then the anointing that you have received from the father his spirit. Is going to teach you, you have no need that anyone should teach you? But as the same anointing does teach you concerning all and is true. And is no falsehood? And even as it has taught you. The spirit of God has taught you. You stay in him. And so this is marvelous what we’ve talked about here today. We’ve been able to look at the original old and all of the events. That have to do with that encounter without the mountain and then see. That in the New Covenant we have the same element. Where fire is coming down upon the upper room. And we have a Heavenly sound and we have the sound of a and your spirit. Is placed upon? The inner settings. And the Torah has been placed in their mind in the park and they’re empowered to prophesy. And because of the sound the people get together. And chipmunks and it takes the people to the prophecy of your will. Where you’re well said that yeah I was going to pull out his Spirit on All Flesh on those who would believe sons and daughters with prophesy old men with dream dreams young men would see visions. And he said all of this is tied in with the fact. That the empowerment of the spirit is going to equip the believer to proclaim the word so the people could hear and be delivered and be safe. Hallelujah! And we see element after element. And it’s wonderful that we have a second giving of the Torah. And it’s wonderful that. Elohim has promised to teach us. That he is our teacher and he teaches us by his spirit. And he will teach us everything that we need to know. So that we can be successful in this life and navigate through the treacherous Waters. That we’re in these days that we’re living in. How powerful we’re talking about revealing the secrets of Shadow Oak. What a blessing in yeshua’s name. Hallelujah! Download our phone app is load ed messages. Info on home groups a link to the google events. Happen info on our vision, family and the App Store. Forget to turn on notifications. You are listening to Infinity. Do not lay up for yourselves Treasures on Earth where month and rust destroying with thieves break in and steal he’s not saying don’t have treasure he’s talking about where you should put your treasure and he said don’t lay up for yourself Treasures on Earth because there are natural elements Earthly elements that can destroy your Treasures that can break in and steal away your treasure instead he says in verse 20, but lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven in other words in the transformation of people’s lives through the word of Elohim invest in the empowerment of the body of Messiah. But lay up for yourself Treasures in Heaven where neither moth, nor rust destroys and where. Thieves would not break in and steal so these natural elements cannot diminish your heavenly treasure and thieves can’t break in and steal your heavenly treasure. He goes on to say for where you treasure is. Earth, or is it in heaven for where your treasure is. Shall be also and so your shoe is saying he wants you to have a heavenly. Heart that is focused on the things of Heaven in other words investing into the rain of Elohim don’t just focus on your Earthly needs but instead focus on the rain of Elohim and invest. Into the expansion of the reign of Elohim the transformation of people. And if you’ll do that, then your heart will follow your treasure and his point is he wants you to have a Heavenly heart he wants you to have a heart that rejoices in the things, that is actively engaged in the expansion of the rain of Elohim and participating in the things of heaven and when you do that, great will be your reward. And so I want to ask you where is your treasure? Because wherever your treasure is, that’s where your heart is are you Earthly focused? Are you Heavenly focused? So I want to encourage you try the truth is doing the work we are traveling from. State the state and for place to place and we are proclaiming the good news message of the shore and teshavah and Joshua’s lifestyle of Terraria and the empowerment that comes through the circumcision of the heart and we are water immersing everywhere we go and so I just want to encourage you be an investor in the things of Heaven Help Us make these things happen for other people when you sow into the reign of a leukemint to the things of heaven then you are making it possible for other people to be blessed and empowered and transformed, and so remember what Yeshua said where your treasure is that’s where your heart is and if your treasure is going into Earthly things then you have an Earthly heart, but if your Treasures going into heaven anything then you have a Heavenly heart yeah bless you in your giving. There are plenty of ways to give at Triumph and truth you can give online on our website at click give. You can give on our phone app. Click the support us tab. You can also give by mail to our Triumph and Truth PO Box 470-602 Fort Worth Texas 76147 please make your checks payable to Triumph and Truth. Wish I am phone up by clicking the drop down menu and selecting vision. If you are getting by check on the memo line by vision. We are so glad you are a part of the extended tribe and Truth family. You are listening to try and choose radio. And we’re tracking along with the Torah portion for this week and the Torah portion is entitled come in. My message for today is entitled The Mystery of the Torah of the PESA. The Mystery of the Torah or the law of the peso we read about that law beginning with Exodus chapter 12 and 43. It says and y’all said the Moshe and offero this is the law or the Torah of the pesach. No son of a stranger is to eat of it so. Y’all is going to give Moshe an offer on some instructions concerning the eating of the Passover. And so we’re going to look at these instructions the first word that we receive here is that no son of a stranger is to eat of it, but what we need to realize is that when we read about the Passover in Exodus chapter 12 we’re really reading about Yeshua because he is our Passover Lamb when the scripture says that they’re to take a lamb. And it’s to be one year old it’s to be mature, but young we realize that Yeshua when he died on the tree for us was mature but Young. That it was to be a spotless blemish-free lamb and that pictures Yeshua as the sinless Spotless one and when they ate of the Lamb they were not to break its bones when you read about that here in just a moment. The picture that the Passover Lamb paints so let’s go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7. And I want to show you that the scripture tells us that Yeshua is the Passover Lamb it says therefore cleanse out the old leaven so that you are a new lump. As you are unleavened this is shaolo riding to the congregation of belief in Corinth and he’s saying get rid of the sin in your life cleanse out the old leaven so that you are a new lump for you are unleavened you are positionally unleavened because Yeshua took your sin from you for also Messiah or PESA. Was slaughtered for us so there it is right there in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 that Messiah is the pesach he is our Passover Lamb? So then let us celebrate the festival of Passover and unleavened bread. Not with old 11 nor with 11 of evil. And wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth and then we go over to John chapter 1 and pick up with verse 29 and we see that Johann called Yeshua the Lamb of element it says on the next day you’ll Hanan saw Yeshua coming toward him and said see the Lamb of Elohim who takes away the sin of the world all right so let’s go back to the Torah of the pesach and we see that the first thing that’s mentioned there is that no son of a stranger is to eat of it and so you can’t just eat of it. You have to join yourself together with Israel and so we see that and hear me Yahoo or Jeremiah. Chapter 31, beginning with verse 31 it says see, the days are coming, declares you when I shall make a renewed or a New Covenant with the is made with the house of Israel of Yehuda, so the New Covenant and with the house of Yehuda the New Covenant is not made with a romanized gentile Church. If you’re going to be a part of the New Covenant you have to be a part of the House of Israel and, the house of Yahoo or the whole house. Israel so no stranger can enjoy the benefits of the Passover. You can enjoy the benefits of Yeshua and what he’s done for you unless you’re willing to be apart of the whole house of Israel. For 32 not like the Covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I strengthen their hand to bring them out of the land of it’s trying to land of Egypt. My Covenant which they broke. So tuna destroy Ave broke the original company. Though I was a husband to them declares you. For this is the Covenant I shall make with the house of Israel the whole house of Israel. After those days declares you I shall put my Torah. In their inward parts or in their mind and write it on their heart so the poor doesn’t go away. The Torah becomes internalized and it is definitive of the New Covenant. We receive the indwelling set apart Spirit of yacht and yeah by his Spirit places his Torah his instructions for life in our mind. So that we think about how we can love you through obedience and he writes his Torah Upon Our Hearts. Want to be obedient. It says an I shall be there Elohim. And they shall be my people and no longer shall they teach each one is neighbor and each one his brother saying no ya. For they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them declares y’all for I shall forgive their crookedness and remember their sin no more so we’re not going to need to teach one another to know yeah because we received the indwelling set apart Spirit of yah and yeah teaches us himself by his spirit. Romans chapter 11 begin with verse 17 it says and if some of the branches were broken off this is talking about unbelieving Israel their branches were broken out of the tree of Israel and you. Being a wild olive tree. Have been grafted in among them. And came to share the root and the fatness of the Olive Tree do not boast against the branches. So those who did not believe were broken out of the tree of Israel? And those who have believed are drafted in to the tree of Israel? But it says don’t boast against those branches that were broken out. And if you boast remember you do not bear the root, but the root Bears you you’ve been included you’ve been grafted in. You shall say them the branches we’re broken off that I might be grafted in. That’s right by unbelief they were broken off and you stand by belief. Do not be arrogant but fear for if Elohim did not spare the natural branches. He might not spare you either. See then the kindness and the sharpness of elevate on those who fell sharpness but toward you. Kindness you who I believe. If you continue in his kindness otherwise you also shall be cut off and they also if they do not continue in unbelief. Shall be grafted in so they can be grafted back in once they believe for Elohim is able to graft them in again. For if you were cut out of the Olive Tree which is Wild by nature and we’re grafted contrary to Nature into a good Olive Tree how much more shall these who are the natural branches. Be grafted into their own olive tree. For I do not wish you to be ignorant of this secret brothers less you should be wise in your own estimation that hardening in part has come over easterl. So the house of yet who died and his companions. Have been pardoned so hardening in part. Has come over Israel until the completeness of the Nations has come in and FYI? Is the completion of the Nations FYE is the dominant of the 10 tribes that broke away from Yahoo and and they were assimilated into the Nations had they forgot who they are and they became uncircumcised and they were Idol worshipers but y’all has promised to gather them and so we see right here that. Hardening in part has come over Israel until the computer has gathered up. The remnant of f Rahim in the Nations. And so all Israel shall be saved the whole house of Israel shall be saved the remnant will come out of the whole house. As it has been written, the deliverer shall come out of Scion and he shall turn away wickedness from yaakov and this is my Covenant with them when I take away their. Sins and so. You must be a part of Israel and you become a part of Israel when you believe upon Yeshua. Right now in religion. This idea of. Being a part of the quote church with Roman days and Roman ways and the church has divorced itself from Israel. And so in these days that we’re living in the spirit of yah is bringing revelation. To those who are in the Sunday church and they’re beginning to realize who they are and they’re coming out of mixed up religion and they’re seeing themselves as joined to believing Israel. And if you’re going to enjoy the Passover you have to realize that you are a part of believing Israel. All right let’s continue our Exodus chapter 12 beginning with verse 44 says but any servant a man has bought for silver. When you have circumcised him. Then let him eat of it. All right, so we’re talking about the Torah or the instructions pertaining to eating of the peso and it says here that a servant of a man speaking so if a Hebrew man purchases a servant with silver, with money. When you have circumcised that servant then he can eat. Of the pesach the Passover and that reminds me of what the scripture says about those who believe in Yeshua First Corinthians chapter 6. Begin with verse 19 it says or do you not know that your body is the dwelling place of the set apart Spirit the Temple of the set apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim? And you are not your own. For you were bought with a price so if you believed upon yesua then you’ve been bought with a price and Yeshua is the ultimate Hebrew man. So he has paid a price for you he is purchased you and the scripture says. Once you’ve been purchased by a Hebrew man. And you are circumcised then you can eat of the peso says therefore the steam Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are of elements and then let’s go over to Acts chapter 20 and we’ll pick up with verse 28. It says therefore take heed to yourself and to all the flock. Among which the set of Parts Spirit has made you overseers this is Yahoo speaking to the Elders of episodes to Shepherd the Assembly of Elohim. Which he has purchased with his own blood a better. Translation of that would be with the blood of his own. So Elohim has purchased believers. With the blood of his own with, the, blood, of his own son. So you’ve been purchased if you believe in your shoes and in Ephesians chapter 1 beginning with verse 13 says in whom you also. Having heard the word of the truth the good news of your deliverance. And who also having believed you were sealed with the set apart Spirit of promise. Who is the Pledge of our inheritance? Until the Redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of his esteem and so you are that purchased possession if you have believed upon your Shore you’re a purchased. Possession and then 1st Peter chapter one. Beginning with Verse 18 says knowing that you were redeemed from your futile Behavior inherited from your father’s. Not with what is corruptible. Silver or gold so you weren’t purchased. But you were purchased with a precious price verse 19 but with a precious blood of Messiah as of a lamb unblemished and spotless so purchase. This points back to what we’re talking about the Passover Lamb being slain being delivered. Out of Egypt and slavery because they were obedient. They put the blood of the Lamb upon their door post and lentil and when. The angel that came through executing the plague of the death of the firstborn came through. When he saw the blood, he passed over and so you’ve been purchased you’ve been purchased by the ultimate Hebrew and once your circumcised. Then you can enjoy the benefits of the Passover we’re going to talk about that in a spiritual context here in just a moment. Exodus chapter 12 and verse 45 says a soldier and a hired servant does not eat of it. So a Sojourner who has no interest in joining himself together with? The children of Israel through Covenant through circumcision he can’t eat of it. And the hired servant the one who’s just working for wages he has no interest to be connected with the people through circumcision he doesn’t he does it either. Let’s go on the first 46. It is eaten in one house. This is talking about the instructions concerning eating the peso. You are not to take any of the flesh outside the house. Or are you to break any bone of it keep that in mind cuz I’m going to show you a verse here in just a moment where they didn’t break the bones of Yeshua he is the Passover Lamb. It says all the congregation of Israel. Are to perform it all the congregation would include believing f r e from the Nations as well as believing yet who died. Now go with me over to John chapter 19. And we’ll pick up with verse 31 and this is the passage of scripture that tells us that yeshua’s bones were not broken. And of course he fulfills them the picture of the Passover whose bones were not to be broken. It says therefore since it was the preparation day. That the body should not remain on the stake on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high one that’s the first day of the Feast of my living bread the Yahoo deep ass pilot to have their legs broken the legs of those who were being executed on the state Yeshua and two others and that they be taken away. Therefore the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other. Who was impaled with him? But when they came to Yeshua and saw that he was already dead they did not break his legs. So his legs were not broken he’s the Passover laugh. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with the spirit instantly blood and water came out and he who has seen has witness and his Witnesses true? And he knows that he is speaking the truth in order that you might believe. For this took place in order for the scripture to be filled not one of his bones shall be broken. Now let’s look at Exodus chapter 12 beginning with verse 48 and this tells us what happens if a gear. A stranger but a stranger who wants to join himself with Israel by Covenant through circumcision what happens when this gear. Wants to perform the pizza what does he do? First 48 and when a stranger are a gay. Sojourns with you. And shall perform the PESA to you. In other words, he wants. To be a part of the people he wants to be joined together with the people he wants to be joined together in Covenant. Notice it says let all his males be circumcised so for that to happen all the males in his household must be circumcised. And then let him come near he’s a very, very important words let him come near or let him draw near and perform it why these words so important because shaolo the Apostle Paul is going to later. As he is believers in Yeshua and how they can draw near to enemy. We’ll read those verses in just a moment so if a gear. A stranger wants to be connected with Messiah by Covenant through circumcision then he. Is able to partake in the Passover? If all the males in his house including himself. Are circumcised it says let all the males be circumcised. And then let him near he was far away, but now he can draw near if he comes through circumcision if he’s willing to be circumcised. And then let him come near and perform it. And he shall be as a native of the land. Again but let no uncircumcised eat of it. All right so let’s go over to Ephesians chapter 2 we’ll pick up with verse 11 I’m going to show you. Where Saul uses these very words, he uses Passover terminology to inform Believers in Yeshua as to what happens. When they believe. Let’s look at it. Therefore remember that you. Once in the flesh. You were in the Nations. You were separated from Israel. You were uncircumcised in the flesh. Says therefore remember that you once nations in the flesh who are called the uncircumcision. The Yahoo Dean called those who were uncircumcised the uncircumcision. By what is called the circumcision? Made in the flesh by hands verse 12. That at that time you were without Messiah. Excluded from the citizenship of Israel. So when you were in the Nations, when you were uncircumcised without Messiah? You were excluded from the citizenship of Israel that tells us right there. That to believe upon Messiah. Brings you in to Israel you become a citizen of you try out believing Israel. It says and strangers the same word. In other words, the instructions of dogmatic commands that man. Ade body of rules and regulations that separated the two groups. The Torah of the commands in Dogma. Issue has created in himself one renewed Man one new man from the two. Thus, making peace between the two groups. And to completely restore to favor both of them they both needed to be restored to favor. Honda Elohim in one body through the stake. Having destroyed the enmity by it having destroyed. That separation. The enmity. By the state by his redemptive work on the stake when he died in our place he took our sins upon himself. He paid our death penalty he was buried in Rage. He ascended to the right hand of the father and he’s poured out the promise of the father. Which is the promise of the indwelling set apart Spirit of yah. And yeah by his Spirit has placed his Torah now in our minds talking about all believers. Both of yet who died and FYI and he’s written it upon our hearts. So the tour has been internalized and yeah by his Spirit has given us the want to and the power to be obedient for 17 and having come. He brought as good news peace to you who were far off in the Nations and peace to those near. The yehudi who have believed. Because through him through Yeshua we both, both groups have access to the father by one spirit. So then you are no longer strangers if you’re of the Nations. You’re no longer strangers and foreigners. But fellow citizens of the set apart ones we’re talking about believing Israel and members of the household of Eloy this is so wonderful. What tremendous revelation. That Shaul has delivered by the spirit of yah and he’s using. Passover terminology he’s bringing it all together. And that’s what this message today is all about it it’s about bringing it together for you. So we’re going to continue on and we’re going to talk about. The circumcision of Messiah so if you are in the Nations. And you hear the good news and you want to be joined together. With believing Israel and you want to enjoy the benefits of the Passover Lamb Yeshua. What must happen? Well firstly You Must Believe. And then after you believe certain things are going to take place within you. That will posture you to be able to enjoy the benefits of our Passover Lamb Yeshua. The first thing I want to show you is over Deuteronomy chapter 10. Verse 16 and this is. A Torah Commandment that the children of verse 16 and you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart. So let’s look at it. And Harden your neck no more. Take place first. You must circumcise before skin of your heart Right. And Harden your neck no more become one who has the want to I want to obey. Lol I want to walk in his ways. If you don’t have the want to, then your heart is uncircumcised. You have a hard heart and a stiff neck, so there was a command right in the Torah. That the children were to circumcise the foreskin of their hearts. Have a want to Heart. Did they do it? Well the answer is no they did not and Stephanos when he’s. Speaking to this crowd of unbelieving Israel. He charges them that they are stiff necked and uncircumcised in hard and ears let’s look at Acts chapter 7 beginning with verse 51. Stefanos or Steven says you stiff neck. And uncircumcised in heart and ears your hearts are not circumcised you don’t want to believe and your ears will not hear the truth. You always resist the set apart spirit. As your father’s did you also do. So again this tells us that Israel did not obey the Torah commandment we read about in Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 16 to circumcise the foreskin of their hearts they didn’t do it. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who before announced the coming of the righteous one of whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers. For 53. Who received the Torah as it was ordained by messenger’s By Angels. But did not watch over it? They didn’t have the one too hard they didn’t circumcise their hearts. They were stiff neck they were rebellious. They received the Torah but they didn’t obey it. You can’t obey the Torah unless you have the one too hard. Verse 54 and hearing. This they were cut to the hearts and Nash the teeth at him. But he been filled with the set apart Spirit looks steadily into the heaven and saw the esteem of Elohim and Yeshua standing at the right hand of Elohim and he said look I see the heavens open and the son of a dumb standing at the right hand of Elohim. And crying out with a loud voice they stopped their ears and rushed upon him with one mind and threw him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named shahu. Shahul who became the apostle. He was there and he held the garments of those Stony. Stephanos and so. We see the command in the Torah. That the children of Israel were the circumcised their hearts they did not they disobeyed and Deuteronomy chapter 30. And verse 4 this is another verse, but it’s a promise. Yeah promises to circumcise their hearts for them. So there’s coming a day in the future they failed the circumcise their hearts. But there’s coming a day in the future when y’all is going to circumcise their hearts for them. This is so powerful. If any of you are driven out to the farthest Parts under the heavens. We know that. Messiah the house of Messiah FYE. Because of their Disobedience and their idolatry they were driven out. They went off into Exile into Assyrian were assimilated into all the different nations of the Assyrian Empire they became the Nations. It says if any of you are driven out to the farthest Parts under the heavens from there yeah your Elohim does gather you but we know that Yahoo. Rebelled disobeyed and they were sent off into Exile and the Babylon, but they were brought back. But after I even also going to be brought back. It says and from there he does take you. There’s five. And yeah your Elohim shall bring you to the land, which your father’s possessed you’re going to return to the land when’s that going to happen it’s going to happen when Yeshua returns he’s going to gather up. All of those who have believed upon him his bride? And we’re going to meet him in the air and we’re going to go off to the land of Israel to yerusha live. He’s going to establish his Millennial reign and he’s going to rule this Earth along with. His bride for a thousand years of Shalom so this is going to be fulfilled when you should returns. Ed and you shall possess it and he shall do good to you and increase you more than your father’s. And y’all your Elohim here it is shall circumcise your heart. You failed it doing it originally. But there’s going to be a new day a new time. And yeah has promised here that he will circumcise your heart and the heart of your seat. And when he circumcises your heart then the heart of your seed you’re going to love you your elderly it says to love you your elohi with all your heart and with all your being. So that you might live people who are in religion today they say they believe in Jesus but they don’t have any desire to obey. They because of mixed up religion and doctrines of demons. They believe that to believe in Yeshua means that. You don’t need to obey the law of element. They say that the law of Elohim has been abolished. I’m free I’m free what are you free from I’m free from the law and yet the scripture says that yeah himself is going to circumcise the hearts of believers and give them the want to and the power to be obedient. What those under the original Covenant failed to do. We’re going to be able to do because yah is going to. Do a work in us he’s going to circumcise our hearts? He’s going to fulfill the promise that he made to avraham and to avraham’s capitalist seed the machine. That through them through Abraham’s example of belief obedience and through the redemptive work of machine those who would believe upon Yeshua would receive the indwelling set up our spirit of yah. And y’all through the spirit is going to give us the want to and the power to be obedient we’re going to be able to accomplish what they did not. Hallelujah! And y’all your Elohim shall put all these curses on your enemies and on those who hate you who persecuted you. And you shall turn back that’s touching law and obey the voice of you. And do all his commands, which I command you today? So when yah fulfills this promise and you believe upon Yeshua and yeah, circumcises your heart, you’re going to love him with all your heart and with all your being. And you’re going to receive the want to in the power to be obedient and you’re going to perform test you while you’re going to turn back to you in obedience and you’re going to obey the voice of you and you’re going to do all his commands? First night and y’all your Elohim shall make you have excess. In all the work of your hand and in the fruit of your body and in the fruit of your livestock and in the fruit of your ground for good. For y’all turns back to Rejoice over you for good as he Rejoice over your father’s not his first 10 if you obey the voice of y’all your Elgin to guard his commands and his laws, which are written in this book of the Torah if you turn back to y’all your Elite with all your heart and with all your being so we have a promise that yeah is going to do for us what those under the original car that did not do they were commanded. To circumcise their hearts, but they didn’t do it yeah is going to circumcise our hearts and give us the want to and the power to be obedient to his commands. Now I want to take you over to the shop chapter 6 verse 4 and I want you to see that we cannot fulfill the smile. Smiles a Hebrew word that means to hear and obey. We cannot fulfill the schlot unless our hearts are circumcised if you have an uncircumcised heart. You can search for here or at least I am y’all are elegant y’all is one he is a card and you shall love. Yet only happens when your heart is circumcised and yeah, his promise to circumcise your heart. And with all your being and with all your might and then you should talk over in the good news account of Matthew that. We should love yah are Elohim with all our heart let’s read it Matthew 22. Starting with verse 35 and one of them one learned in the Torah did question trying him and saying teacher, which is the great command of the totally and Yeshua said to him you shall love yah your Elohim with all your heart and with all your being and with all your mind. This is the first and great command now you can’t do that unless your heart is circumcised but praise God he’s promised to circumcise the hearts. Of those we’re going to show you those who believe upon you sure for 39. And the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commands hang all the Torah and the profits. So the question is how does yah accomplish? His promise of circumcising our hearts. Go with me over to Colossians chapter 2 and we’ll pick up with verse. 11 it says in him in Yeshua. You were also circumcised. With a circumcision not made with hands this is not about cutting off. Of the flesh. This is a spiritual circumcision a circumcision not made with hands. In the putting off of the body, of the sins of the flesh. By the circumcision of Messiah and it is a of the flesh. Hallelujah! Yes it’s a forgiveness of past sins, but it’s also an empowerment that comes upon the believer. See if you have the want to obey and you have the power to obey. Then you’re not going to transgress the toll road you’re not going to be sending. Sin is the transgression of the Torah how do we deal with sin? We don’t abolish the law that’s what modern relig. Ions the law so there’s no sense no you give the believer. To obey. That’s how you deal with sin. You give the believer the power to Aid. Y’all said I’m going to circumcise their hearts, they’re going to love me and when we obey him. And she said if you love me keep my Commandments he was just quoting the toll because love. Obedience that’s how you spell it all right. In him you’re also circumcised with the circumcision not made with hands in the pudding off of the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Messiah. When does that happen having been buried with him in immersion? That happens at the point of water baptism. That’s when the circumcision takes place in which you also were raised with him. So you’re buried with him go down under the water. Your heart is circumcised. Then you’re raised up out of the water. It says in which you also were raised with him through the belief in the working of Elohim. Who raised him from the dead and you being dead. In trespasses trespassing the Torah sin is. The transgression of the total. You were dead in your sin and your trespasses of the Torah and the uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together with him. Having forgiven you all trespasses. So y’all fulfills his promise to circumcise the hearts. Of Israel it’s believing Israel when a person believes upon Yeshua and they carry out. The Commandment of being water baptized as they go underneath the water. Then their hearts are circumcised and that body of sand is cut away and they’re raised up out of the water. They join in to yeshua’s Resurrection and they walk in a whole new life. Now what has happened Yeah by his spirit? Has. Given them the want to i want to walk in his way it’s and by his Spirit the power to be obedient so he’s dealt with the Senate. Because when you have the want to in the power to be obedient, then you’ve dealt with the sin issue as long as you continue walking in. The spirit of yah and so let’s go over to Ezekiel chapter 36. And we’ll pick up with verse 24 and this also points. To what is going to take place in the future through this circumcision of Messiah. It says that i shall take you from among the Nations. All right so who’s in the nation’s. If I am and I Shall Gather you out of all lands and I shall bring you into your own land. And I shall sprinkle clean water on you that’s an illusion to water baptism and you shall be clean. For all your filthiness and from all your idols. I cleanse you. So y’all has promised to Karen of the children. He’s going to do that. When they believe upon Yeshua they hear the good news message of Yeshua and they believe. And then they submit to water baptism. Y’all says I’m going to sprinkle clean water on them and they will be clean. From all of their filthiness and, from, all of their Idols he says I am going to cleanse them. There’s 26 and I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. That’s the one too hard. The new heart and the new spirit is the power to be obedient and I shall take the Heart of Stone out of your flesh. That’s the i don’t want to obey and I shall give you a heart of Flesh one that’s. Moldable, shapeable, makeable and putting my spirit within you. The heart of flesh is the one too hard and I shall call you to walk in my loss and guard my right rulings. And you shall do them I’m going to cause you to be obedient how am I going to do that. I’m going to circumcise your heart. I’m going to cause you to want to love me. The way I want to be loved through obedience. That’s what the Torah says. That we love that he threw obedience that’s what Yeshua said when he quoted the toilet and he said if you love me keep my Commandments. My circumcising your heart. I’m going to take the I don’t want to out and I’m going to put the I want to in. I’ve had people say well you’re just leading people off into bondage just teaching them they need to obey the Bible. That’s just fun. And my answer to that is it’s not bondage when you want to. I didn’t get up this morning and say. I can’t believe I have to go out in the Bible today. No, I’m happy to i rejoice in it. It’s the greatest joy of my life to walk in the ways of elephant because he’s giving me the want to now if he gave me the want to, but I didn’t have the power to, that would be frustrating but he’s also provided his spirit. And his spirit. And Powers me yeah by his spirit gives me the power to be obedient. That’s 28 and you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your father’s. That’s coming in the future when you’re sure returns. And you shall be my people and I shall be your belly Hallelujah. This is so wonderful. Now back to the Torah Exodus chapter 12 verse 48. Let’s look at that verse again, because I want to take another aspect of that verse. Talk about it for a moment, it says and when a stranger, so gayer, join himself with the people. Generous with and shall. Perform, the peso wants to. To you let all his males be circum and then let him come near those are the words that show you and perform it draw near. And he shall be as a native of the land. So when you believe upon Yeshua and your heart is circumcised and you receive the want to in the power to be obedient you received the promise of the father. Which is the indwelling set apart Spirit of yah. Then you become as a native of the land you are. A part of me so I am. You’re a part of believing you straya and all of the blessings. That y’all has. Promised Israel all of the covenants of problems are yours. You’re not a second class citizen. You are as a native of the land like you were natural born. No difference. Hallelujah, you are believing yes I am. You’re not a part of some. Roman rooted Gentile Church. Well you may be in your own mind. But if you truly believe upon your shoe and understand what the Bible says. Then you realize. That you’re grafted in to Believe In You trial and you’re not a second class citizen of Israel you’re as a native of the light there is no difference natural law. So to speak. It says but let no uncircumcised eat of it so. Let’s look at Romans chapter 9 and I want you to see what you have. As a citizen of one who is as a native of the land because whatever the natives have you have. Hallelujah! Because you’re as a native of the land. Romans chapter 9 verse 1 I speak the truth in Messiah I do not lie. My conscience also bearing me witness in the set apart spirit that I have great sadness and continual grief in my heart for I myself could have wished to be banished from Messiah for the sake of my brothers. My relatives according to the flesh. So he had a tremendous compassion. In his heart for his brethren unbelieving Israel and he said. I myself could have wished to be banished from Messiah for the sake of my brothers. He wants his brothers to come to know the truth about Michelle. First floor notice it says who are the children of Israel. They’re not believing Israel they’re unbelieving Israel but notice to, whom is the adoption and this theme and the Covenants and the giving of the Torah and the worship and the promises. Who are the fathers? And from whom is the Messiah according to the flesh? Who is over all Elohim blessed forever? Amen! All right so. Unbelieving Israel is broken out of the tree. But those who believe upon Yeshua. Are grafted in so what originally came to Israel. Is now yours? If you believe that you’re sure. So let’s look at this wonderful list. Of blessings that come to you through belief in Yeshua, you’re as a native of the land now Hallelujah the first thing on this list. That we’ve mentioned to you is the adoption belongs to you. Romans chapter 9 verse 25 says. And he says in Jose at 2:00 I shall call them my people who were not my people if you were one of those in the Nations and you had. Forgotten who you were. You were rebelling against Halloween. This is a promise that at some point. You will be called the people of element. Well that happens when you believe upon Yeshua. As he says in Jose too I shall call them my people. Who were not my people? And her beloved. Who was not beloved? He’s going to do that himself and it shall be in the place where it was said to them you are not my people. There they shall be called sons of the living element, in other words, you’re going to be and you’re adopted through belief in Yeshua, so the adoption is yours, and then it says this thing. Ephesians chapter 1. Beginning with verse 15 says for this reason I too having heard of your belief in the master Yeshua and your love for all the set apart wants so he’s talking to the congregation at episodes. And he’s saying you have believed upon your shoe you love the set of heart wants for 60. Do not seize giving thanks for you since I will give thanks for them. Making mention of you in my prayers notice what he prays that the Elohim of our Master Yeshua Messiah. The father of esteem. Would give you a spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him? Other words that you would have a spirit of wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of him that you come to know him like never before the eyes of your understanding being enlightened. So that you know what is the expectation or the hope of his calling. And what are the riches of the esteem? Of his inheritance in the set apart once you need to know. What is the richest the richness? Of the esteem. Your Bible may say the glory of his inheritance in the set apart what.

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