February 22, 2024 by dperry
Table of Contents
Rico Cortez Torah Wise Guy SmackDown!
The 2/20/2024 Rico Cortez Torah Wise Guy SmackDown! Much as beauty is in the eye of the beholder;
As beauty is found of the beholder
As beauty is found in the eye of the beholder; So proof is found only in the mind of the believer! Belief ie ‘Truth Love’ is ALWAYS a requirement [2Thess.2:10-12]! What should you believe? THAT DEPENDS ON THE WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE! THAT WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE THAT THE BIBLE IS YaH’s Word; IS AT LEAST TWICE THE WEIGHT OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE! [Source Ivan Panin] The Bible Is The Word Of YaH!
The MalkiTzadiq Priesthood
ACTUAL Unaltered exchange that caused RC. To delete his own post
my comments & inclusions in Red
Isa. 58:1 Ö Here I come to wreck your day.!
That means YaH Mighty’s-Mouth [Jer. 15:19-21] is on the way with much to say;…! To put the Kibosh on your wicked way
YaH’s Mighty-Mouth [Acts/Jer. 15:19-21] as His Watchman has Delivered! [Ezk.3:16-19/2Thes.2:10-12!]! Rico; as 1 teacher to another; I am aghast that you have not learned this by now? That [Heb.5:12] lesson come to life!! OUCH!?
The ABC’s &123’s; 1Jn.2:3, 4, 5
ABC’s 123’s; 1Jn.2:3, 4, 5
He’s not alone many Sinistries sell out to the church of the divine profit$!;-( I can Honestly say so on the “Evidence” of 1Sam.23:15 & Ps.50:16-17 case in point Gen.49:10/Heb.5/Ps.110:1-4/1Ptr:2:9/Ex.19:5 & 6!
R.C.-Quote-“Evidence proves the truth”.
R.C.-Quote-“Evidence proves the truth”.
Excellent point!;Agreed! Rico! It sure do!ON’T IT DUD/E!? one that can turn and bite you in the ars! Hoisted on your own petard. Which did happen just this way; causing ‘Chico Montez’ alias Not-So Wize-guy of Tora Sinistries to do the only stand-up guy honorable? thing, turn tail; Shut-Down his own post & FLEE to save face & limit prestige & $ loss? Bravo! Here Here! Respectable? NOT! [1Sam.15:23/Ps.50:16-17]; This guy has succumbed to the lavished accolades of his duped adoring fans & the potential $’s they can bring! But so do many other Sinistries bark’n up the same $ tree! Different modes/messages/slants/methods; same tree! Do yourself a favor read, follow, heed; Eccl.5:1, sure would’ve saved me a lot of angst over the $ toss issue over my life! Your Welcome!
Rico is a nice, personable guy
Don’t get me wrong Rico is a nice, personable guy; but the truth be told even nice, personable guys can succumb to many wicked things; some more heinous than others some more repulsive than others but sin is sin! There is no up-man-ship high-ground in that regards!
I know I before I baptized I was about as wicked as they come, but about as personable friendly as you could want! even could quote you some Bible! Just because we like this one or that; does not guarantee pristine, on point, no error Truth! Your salvation is on the line/up for grabs! Don’t be duped! By an emotional devotional!
Yes its just that serious!
Yes its just that serious! 2Ths2:10-12! is NOT a game! Its for keeps! So know it/Bible, or blow it! This is so PLAINLY in your face SIMPLE! The worst Village-Idiot in your town, could Ace this Open-Book (Bible)-Test! In this computer age? click-itty click you’re there! There Is No Excuse [Rom.1:20]! So be wise; know All you can be now!
The Actual Exchange on Wisdom in Torah F.B
The Actual Exchange on Wisdom in Torah F.B.- Rico
vs: One Path Assembly-me
I WON”T give my $’s to any one that teaches against the MalkiTzadiq Priesthood of YaHoשUvaH Ps110:4/Heb.5:10/1Pt2:9!
That Is A Good Headline
Rico Cortes of Wisdom in Torah Ministries
The Rico Cortez Tora Wize Guy Smack Down FB rout of 2024
Ok no problem but there is not one verse that says literally that you are a priest in the order of Melchizedek.
1 Peter and revelation 1 does not say Melchizedek
Also, according to scriptures can Yeshua be a priest on the earth?
R.C. Also in the same vein;There is not one verse where Christ ever calls Himself “Christ” either; Duh Yup! Hummnn?;-(
Hebrews 8:4
This has been CR’s main go to for some time now. Long enuff I figured out his enigma gotcha clause! Weedoggy!;-) Got-who? Ha-yup!
Dr. David L. Perry Th.D. Interview | Author of
“Back to the Melchizedek Future” & “The Covenants of Promise”
One Path Assembly
Chico R Torez-not so WizeGuy of Tora Sinistries
Messhi-YaH’s Model Prayer!
HA Now you stepped right in it; Bud; Que? HAVE YOU EVER PRAYED MASSHI-YaH’s MODEL PRAYER?/ “AS IT IS IN WHERE? HEAVEN!”? Whapow! Now; That Ot To Leave an Everlasting Mark! Aye, not so Wize-guy Torah Teach? Fade to silent Termination! Then lites out!;-) !Chico; if this MalkiTzadiq teaching I teach FROM TORAH; DuH; [you TORAH duhlert] is from YaH you will be unable to prevail against it, because you (Chico Montez) battle against not me but YaH!;-( Str8 up; Not so Wize Torah Dud Dude! My Sound Advise- Get Out & stay out of That Line! NOW; if not Sooner!
Chico you can’t handle YaH’s Truth
Like J. Nickleson in ‘a few good men’; Chico you can’t handle YaH’s Truth! No Soup For You! At least not on my dime [Eccl.5:1] & thotful, contemplative, discerners like me, a trend, long over due; whose time has come! To a $ that use to be; near you! Your Prv.27:17 friend; LOVE: Leads On Vetted Evidence! Aye Chico Bud!? This TRUTH: INCLUDES; Your “Evidence proves the truth”!
RICO you will never find/remember or teach a BIBLE Truth you don’t love!
RICO you will never find a BIBLE Truth you don’t love! Prv.25:2\2Ths.2:10-12! Which plainly means your Torah teaching is at best a ham-strung Miss the Mark Sinistry gimping along on your insufficient unloved YaH’s Torah Truth knowledge! That can NEVER be complete; UNTIL you Love it! Str8 up Torah dud/dude! Have Thine Own Silly Way! Your Str8 up Isa.58:1, Prv.27:17/Ezk.3:16-19; Friend; Pray’n for ya! Ps.36:9 Shalom!!
Pardon my Isa.58:1 candor
Pardon my Isa.58:1 candor; My FULL intent is to make this as distastefully uncomfortable as possible to give you the momentum sufficient to actually put in the time & effort to study this out; not supposing anything you thot prior as true; Amos3:7!
“Back to the Melchizedek Future” & “The Covenants of Promise”and … Shalom! If you want/need to make contact my # is 1-909-231-5732 pst 8-8pm. Or whats app.- 1-909-641-4033; or e; thd.perry@gmail.com Thx! Keep it Bible feel free; also look up www.OnePathAssembly.org; Join Up/In<” ” ” ” ”!; Shalom! Blessings Tah!
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