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4M-MalkiTzadiq Message Minors Ministry
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Another Resource: Melchizedek-Message
To answer that ?; why did I start 4M? I will post and narrate my poem line by line [Isa.28:10] much as YaH’s Bible is laid out!
Are Your Beliefs From Your Pastor?

YaH has caused me to understand much of what I was being told was incomplete church-taught religion or outright ‘Bibling.Under. an Influence of Rev.17:5 of a Papal; a YaH 2Ths.2:10-12* Damning ‘delusion’ [2Ths.2:10-12*, Jer.16:19/Amos3:7] of BS (Beyond Scripture); of Bibling Cherry-Picked Sound-Bite lies that dominates the religious land-scape; as we have come to think we know; since ‘Sunday School’!
What Does The Bible Teach?
Of basically your own idolatrous rebellious fixated design that YaH will give you over to! If you don’t love & follow YaH’s Truth! ie. the Bible! Including the Catholic spread Jesuit New Testament only spurious fraudulent myth of a ‘Jesus’, that changed everything! Str8 up! Yikes! No O.T. evidence of that impossible chimera spurious spelling! In fact there is evidence that the name of jesus is in-fact the much dreaded 666 Anti-Masshi-YaH named @ Rev.13:18! (See Would You See Or Are You Yet Blind? )
Are You Having Your Own Way?
But by all means, Have Thine Own Way! Please don’t take my studied word for anything your Everlasting is attached to! Study; But study well; deeply, completely, correctly; assume nothing you thot before, as a given for YaH’s Truth! [Amos3:7, Jer.16/15:19-21] Blessings! Feel free to call 909 231 5732 or e; thd.perry@gmail.com on any Bible issue! Shalom!
Do find OnePathAssembly.org Join, Join in; post, share; Keep It Bible Feel Free!
PUSHING ON WITH THE POEM FIRST, then the same Poem line-by-line commentary, expose explanation in Hab.2:2 fashion! I do hope you’re able to follow my efforts! Clearly! The only thing I can guarantee is that it won’t be for the lack of trying! HalleluYaH!
YaHoUvaH POEM – A Simpleton’s Soliloquy of My LIFE’s WALKRhyme*
1 st beating us with face/neck/head-
slaps, names, belts, switches &paddles from when we were very young*;
these are my not-so ‘preciousmemories’, when that jacked-wang song is sung*.
Not only that the memories flood*
of the time I had no choice but to taste my own blood*.
THEN on top all that – my too long in the
Sun’s-day ‘chricedian’ ‘?’/‘Sainted’ parents weren’t thru*;
For the ‘Jesus’ they taught us; was born a Hebrew Jew*;
But there are no ‘J’s’ in Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew*;
So now whadaya gonna do*?
He came to earth from heaven to save all ‘from sin’s 2nd death & tell us what all of this doing was for*;
like “keep ALL 9 Suggestions Doh!
10 Com’dmts”; “to go & sin no more!*
”But most excuse Sa10’s Catholic Sunday; as the most holy thing to do*
This ‘J’ guy never said before; now who again spozta save you*? John 7:16 says this ‘Jesus’ said; ‘My doctrine is “not” My own’*;
He walked all days in His Father’s Torah ways; the example for us is shown*.
YaHowUvaH=YaHoshUvaH taught and kept YaHoUvaH’s Torah; His Father’s Word & too* Kept ALL His Lev.23 Sabbath days; His Annual Appointed Times; even Hanukkah at Jn.10:22* BUT Most Churches preach every Sunday on Ecdter at Chricedmess even Valentines* With flying deer, pierced hearts, jellybean egg-laying chocolate marshmallow bunnies; all pagan made up times*. We teach this to our children as Truth and Praise for ‘God’*? We say we follow His Word; but it’s not there Any of it! Now, This alone is highly most very odd*
Even Church-leaders will tell me; well, we got ta give ‘em somethin’;
But when I say “well why not give ‘em
the truth*? They’ll look at me with loath & disdain as tho I had just said something highly profane, ugly, mean, unkind, unclean or uncouth*
Messiah YasHoUvaH’s Birth, Death & Resurrection; The core Bible that is True* We mix with profane customs; then Praise and Worship with it too*?
2Cor.11:14; presents a sobering theme of Sa10’s ministry done ; behind the pulpit ‘in’ Yah’s Church?* Like that old stuff; was all changed it’s been Done-Away; Don’t you know, ‘fulfilled’; no need to REMEMBER, Obey or search!* Pushing fantasy ‘grace – no law’ ‘just trust in Jesus’ that’s all we need to do*
But @ Mt.7:23, YaHowUvaH= YaHoshUvaH says it differently; ‘obeying the Truth of Yah’s Torah Laws are on you*! – YaHowUvaH= YaHoshUvaH Phone Massage/Witness:
We’re all taught a Brand New Gospel; All things different from “the Cross”*?; But; the Hebrews 4:2 Sinai ‘Gospel’;
remains the same for “them” back
there and ‘now’ for all of us*.
We’re all to confess all sin living YaH’s
Commandments in YaH’s Covenant*
We all are to be YaHoUvaH’s very Family under His Eph.2:12 Israelite ‘commonwealth’ MalkiTzadiq cover-net*;
Ya’Ho’vaH’s Covenant to walk outside it; is to go it on your own*;
Childish ignorance is of 1 thing is unstudied
arrogance when you’re grown*! Alternative phone witness message
Reward is what we all want; while Breaching Ya’Ho’vaH’s Covenant*? You’ll get rewarded all right in what the wicked are to get*.So turn your heart to the MalkiTzadiq Covenant Mediator; accept YaHoשUvaH; YaHoUvaH’s Son*.
Learn His MalkiTzadiq Covenant, life, right-rulings & Com’dnts; Gaining His MalkiTzadiq life BEFORE your life here on Earth is done* 1st .
YaHoUvaH’s POEM – A Simpleton’s Soliloquy of
Rhyme * My Life’s WALKin exploded expos`e
1 st beating us with face/neck/head-
slaps, names, swinging belts, switches &
paddles from when we were very young*;
these are my not-so-precious
memories’, when that jacked-up song is sung*. [My parents carried the spare the rod corporal punishment thing in the Bible too extremes they no doubt would have been liable to criminal prosecution in today’s P. C. world!] Onward!
Not only that the memories flood*
of the time I had no choice but to taste my own blood*.
*NOTE* This was my mother’s doing. She came to us one day in ‘62 and announced to me, being the oldest, that she had been directed by the L.A. Bureau of Adoptions Department to ask us, her own natural kids, how we felt about her adopting a little girl. Well, she had already shown what she would do. She was already taking care of little ones and neglecting us, leaving us to beg for this, that, even time. I was about 10/11 years old.
Old enough to know! so I remember thinking to myself, this doesn’t sound right, so I reasoned that she asked me an honest ?; so I gave her my honest answer; No; She immediately slapped me in the mouth hard enough to cause me to bleed profusely enuf to cause me to have totaste & swallow my blood then some 20yrs. Later I asked her about it? All she would say was No I never did any such thing!
Then I reminded her that my 2nd brother was standing right there! So her tone immediately changed, when I said let’s call him; boy she started to moon-walk saying how So Very Sorry she was; that she was young; back then!? Yeah right she was 32 & I was 10!? What a bunch of bull-snort!
My father was more of a Dad; than my Mother was ever a Mom! Strait up! BUT even at that it didn’t count for much! He still caved to most of her whims! Hope your situation is better than mine was! But even in that I happened on Heb.5:8 it explained why in a way I needed to know! If you can identify/relate you ot to give it a read! Pushing on;
THEN on top all that – my too long in the Sun’s-day ‘chricedian’ ‘?’/‘Sainted’ parents weren’t thru*; For the ‘Jesus’ they taught us; was born a Hebrew Jew*; But there are no ‘J’s’ in Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew*; So now whadaya gonna do*? *NOTE* [Something I learned studying Hebrew & Greek for my Th.D in Theology class]! Pushing on;
He came to earth from heaven to save all ‘from sin’s 2nd death & tell us what all of this doing was for*; like “keep ALL 9 Suggestions Doh! 10 Com’dmts”; “to go & sin no more*” But most excuse Sa10’s Catholic Sunday; as the most holy thing to do*! This ‘J’ guy never said before; now who again spozta save you*?
*NOTE*; Even tho I was raised in a Nazarene Church I read Rev.17 one day I remember where I was that afternoon & not much else beyond the chill over my back and spine at realizing who the daughter harlots are of the Mother of Harlots that no one ever I.D.’s the fact that I had been raised in a down-line Chatholic daughter harlot church as no doubt many of you! Keeping Sunday in place of YaH’s 7th day Sabbath [Ex.20:7 & 8, Ex.31:13, Isa.66:22-23, Acts15:19-21, Heb.4:2, …, 2Tim.2:15,3:16,…] Easter instead of Passover, X-mas instead of Tabernacles! Pushing Onward
John 7:16 says this ‘Jesus’ said; ‘My
doctrine is “not” My own’*;
He walked all days in His Father’s
Torah ways; the example for us is shown*.
YaHowUvaH=YaHoshUvaH taught and kept;>v [ See also “The case for
^<;YaHoUvaH’s Torah; His Father’s
Word & too*; Kept ALL His Lev.23 Sabbath
days; His Annual Appointed Times; even Hanukkah at Jn.10:22*;
BUT Most Churches preach every
Sun’sday on Escdter at Chricedmess,
even Valentines;* With flying deer. Pierced hearts, jellybean egg-laying chocolate marshmallow bunnies; all pagan made up times*. We teach this to our children; as Truth and Praise for ‘God’*? We say we follow His Word; but it’s not there! Any of it! Now, This alone is highly most very odd*. Even Church-leaders will tell me; well we got ta give ‘em somethin’;
When I say “well why not give ‘em the truth”*? Then they’ll look at me with loath & disdain as tho I had just said something highly ugly profane, mean, unkind, unclean or uncouth*? MesshiYaH YasHoUvaH’s Birth, Death & Resurrection; The core Bible that is True; We mix with profane customs; then Praise and Worship with it too? 2Cor.11:14; presents a sobering theme of Sa10’s ministry done ; behind the pulpit ‘in’ Yah’s Church*
Like that old stuff; was all changed it’s been Done-Away; ‘fulfilled’; no need to REMEMBER, Obey or search*!Pushing fantasy ‘grace – no law’ ‘just trust in Jesus’ that’s all we need to claim we do*. But YaHowUvaH= YaHoshUvaH @ Mt.7:23; says it differently; ‘obeying the Truth Yah’s Torah Laws are on you’*!
– YaHowUvaH= YaHoshUvaH
Phone Massage/Witness:
We’re all taught a Brand New Gospel;
All things different from “the Cross”*?;
But; the Hebrews 4:2 Sinai ‘Gospel’;
remains the same for “them” back there and ‘now’ for all of us*.
We’re all to confess all sin living YaH’s Commandments in YaH’s Covenant*;
We all are to be YaHoUvaH’s very Family under His Eph.2:12 Israelite
‘commonwealth’ MalkiTzadiq ‘cover-net’*; Ya’Ho’vaH’s Covenant to walk outside it; is to go it on your own*; Childish ignorance is of 1 thing is unstudied arrogance when you’re grown*
[1Sam.23:15] Reward is what we all want; while Breaching Ya’Ho’vaH’s Covenant*?
You’ll get rewarded all right in what the wicked are to get*. So turn your heart to the MalkiTzadiq Covenant Mediator; accept YaHoשUvaH; YaHoUvaH’s Son*. Learn His MalkiTzadiq Covenant, life, right-rulings & Com’dnts; Gaining His MalkiTzadiq life BEFORE your life here on Earth is done*. 2nd: How’s that for ending on point?
YaHoשUaH YaHoshUaH did say He came in His Father’s Name we classically are not taught or use YaHoUvaH – YHUH; in a true meaning of ‘void’. ie. a non-use which is exactly what we do! Routinely; even in corporate church worship; Without the compunction of a 2nd thot!
Sanguinely oblivious to this egregious continual routine damning 2Thess.2:10-12 corporate 3rd Commandment; Sin transgression! While most chip in the tithe coffer without 1 dissenting [Eccl,5:1] question of objection! DOPES! Plainly; Bible facts don’t care about your Loving religious feelings; that are poised to cost you ALL!
Also; I would be remiss not to inform you; that I have authored several books & articles dealing with this highly fascinating MalkiTzadiq topic for a time you still can find these titles at LuLu.com; ‘The Covenants of Promise’ & ‘Back To The Melchizedek Future’.;
for the time being; be sure to look for these up grades; ‘Our Ubiquitous MalkiTzadiq Covenants of Promise’, ‘Back To Our Rightful MalkiTzadiq Future’, as well as these Brand New Titles;- ‘About As Subtle As A Train-Wreck’, ‘MalkiTzadiq For Nummies’, ‘The MalkiTzadiq Study Guide Workbook’; as well a potential array of future titles; that will include; MalkiTzadiq Sheep & Lambing Chow, 4M-MalkiTzadiq Minors Message Ministry, … forthcoming. As YaH leads & His Set Apart Spirit moves HalleluYah! Praise & Blessed Be, He Ahmein! Shalom! Tah!
Please feel FREE give forward this Poem “&” Bio to all your family & friends; others need this life giving – life restoring suicide averting message; This life ‘IS’ worth the living just because He lives ‘&’ His Promises tho not always immediate are none-the-less SURE! [Jer.29:11]; HalleluYah Praise be He!
If you ever face or contemplate suicide DON’T DO IT!; I faced it myself & will help if you can imagine that allowance? Yah does have a plan for you read Heb.5:8/Jer.29:11 we ALL are to learn the same obedience thru what we face. I know its hard but it can be done! I did it! It will get eazier; I’ll share if you’ll call? Like I said feel free to forward this poem & bio! If this MalkiTzadiq Message connects with you 1Ptr.2:9/Rev.5:10!
I will leave this at your discretion & Yah’s leading! If this Poem & Yah’s MalkiTzadiq Priesthood Message connects with you; Please feel free to forward this poem to all family & friends; others need Yah’s Truth as well; As you all post Y2K folks well know Computers, Computer Software, Computer upgrade/replacements, Computer Tech/s, site hosting, paper, ink, parts… aren’t FREE or cheap!;
Please Consider a minuscule $10.00 per copy Donation to help steward & finance furthering this worthy Suicide Averting Hope Giving, Life Out-Look Restoring & Life Saving cause; LIFE IS WORTH THE LIVING because He Lives And His Promises Are SURE & TRUE!. Call we’ll talk. Too much to type\hunt&peck with 1 hand! Shalom! MalkiTzadiq Mishpoha-Family, Live Well, Love Well; Live Long & prosper! Shalom!
I can even give you a way to give-contribute/donate/tithe/offering that does not have to dip into your account while servicing the bio/eco-system, we all use & depend on ta’boot; anyone can collect bottles & cans netting $20.oo@week that’s $1040 .oo @year 20x52wks, just left on the table; so to speak!;-) dohhh!
I have often marveled at the shear volume of useable items routinely thrown away literally Mansions could be built! I used to drive a trash truck for about 5 yrs. Where I worked before I retired I’d have to drive to the local dump 3 to 4 times a week. I’d see most everything you could imagine; one time I remember I saw a sizable steak-bed bob-tail truck half-full of various diameters & lenghts of P.V.C. pipe. I couldn’t believe it! But there it was. Then a same type truck ½ full of sheet-rock; just trash? O. M. G!
L O L. If Yah inspired just 2 from each state or every county just in my state alone that would be over $100,000.oo + a year putting this MalkiTzadiq message on steroid booster Rockets! Please use the link at One Path Assembly http:onepathasembly.org/index.php/en/ phone or e ; call 1-909-231-5732 or e; thd.perry@gmail.com ; Shalom! Tah!
Let Abba’s MalkiTzadiq Priesthood Shine! O.neway R.ighteous G.athering! SEE http://onepathassembly.org Shalom!
Feel free to join in, learn & comment!
And feel free to call 909 231 5732 or e thd.perry@gmail.com; on any issue! Ta.
Prv.9:10-11 The fear of YaHoUvaH is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the set-apart is understanding; and years will be added to your life! – YaHoUvaH in YaHowUvaH YaH’s Son! Please if you have an issue with my use of teaching YaHowUvaH; Please keep it Bible [Prv.27:17] Civil; Feel Free! Say on! Bro.! Can’t W8!;-).
Well to start off I will open with a poem I wrote that deals with what I had to face and deal with being raised in a Chricedian home that followed the Bible in a very cherry-pick highly selective obedience kinda-way! Which is not pristine Set-Apart obedience at all!
But it took me over 4decades of my life to come to a point in I was willing to admit to ‘God’; that I knew I needed read the Bible; but I knew who I was talk’n to & knew He already knew the plain fact that I did not what to; so I did not even try to hide it; but plainly told Him that fact! Going on to say that He’d have to give me the “want to; want to”; looking back now I believe; that’s about the time he looked down on me and said, Hmmn; I think I can work with this guy!
For not knowing the Bible; I some 20+yrs later found I had stood in/on Jer.33:3; you an too! I wrote this poem some 10-15yrs. later! No doubt with YaH’s help & guidance! I do hope it will serve as a some-what forward; explaning in context the events that served to shape my life; it’s that why I am so adamant for YaH’s Truth! Not 95%, 50%, 25%, 10% .5, which is kinda sorta but not really! For a ½ Truth is a whole LIE! Don’t need to go there ever again!
We are to be on the strait & narrow way; we all need to uderstand there a ditch on BOTH sides a Rabbinix ditch on one side and a church ditch on the other! Well, I’m not about to give up a bunch of Church error; only to embrace a bunch of Rabbinix Jewish error! Want proof? Gen.18:8/26:5; handily knocks down that 613 Law; Rabbinix B.S. house of cards! Whapow! Shizam!;-)
B.S.- Beyond Scripture!;-)>.