Melchizedek for Nummies
Here’s another good study about Melchizedek: Melchizedek? Why Should I Care?
The ABC’s of Critical Bible Truth!
In NO way do I mean to disparage anyone that is in my reading audience. In my use of the word ‘nummy’ I’m remembering how I was extremely spiritually numb until well after October of 1996.
By that time I was just a few years shy of being 50. Now I’m a few months shy of 70! It’s been quite the journey with lots of ups, downs, and realizations. But that’s the Hebrew point! The point of the journey is itself the point; not the destination! And my journey is not over; HalleluYah, ALL Praise Be His!
I have 4 grown daughters and a dozen grand kids. Even some great grand kids that have yet to hear or embrace this knowledge. I pray Yah this awesome knowledge reach everyone including those of my own family up-line, down-line & side-lines!/[nieces, nephews, cousins]. I need to approach this in the plainest Habakkuk 2:2 way that I can possibly imagine to communicate! Father YaHoUvaH Please cause this to be so across what-ever expanse of time there may be!
Thank You for Your Bountiful increase in that regard. Thank You for Your patient tolerance dealing with me and my anger issues! Thank You for the Hebrews 5:8 realization that for me was HUGE! Thank You for even the unanswered prayers over the years! Thank You for All things You have ultimately worked and will continue to work for my & my family’s good [Jeremiah 29:11]; HalleluYah, All Praise Be Yah! Thru YaHoשUvaH [Numbers 13:16, Joel 2:13]!
08/09/2020 – I just spoke with my 3rd daughter; giving me a more clear perspective of whom I’m trying to reach out to & connect with a university level message; to who the Bible typifies as being ‘dull’ of hearing i.e. unable to understand; i.e. ‘numb’ well not much has changed in 2,k yrs. has it? So basically I’ve been trying to teach University Calculus to Biblical ABC;123 twist truth ‘think-not’s’ [Matthew 5:17] this includes those that have assumed to teach for they only can teach to the level they know! Which is several rungs less than on top of it.
Even Mormon ‘missionaries’ professing to ‘know’; still don’t know as they ought. This is exacerbated by their own brand of ‘cognitive dissidence’. Seeing but still unable (not willing) to accept it as the Biblical Melchizedek reality of the situation; we all are faced with, on a routine daily basis. Basically a type of ‘Murphy’s Law’, a rising only to your level of personal incompetency. But even so I’ll keep trying for none of this put together relieves any one of us of the obligation to continually bring truth as we are to keep-on, keeping-on ie. trying!
It’s become clear to me that tho I had no desire or intent to; that I am to write a 4th book; the working title will be along the lines of; “Melchizedek for Nummies”; [this is not a slam against anyone; for I too was ‘numb’ being raised in the Sunday church for years and I know what it’s like to not know! I’ve just turned the corner sooner and have been digging longer!
That’s just flat-out the truth of our total quantified God’s ahem Word ??? a situation all of us face; having been born into this already on-going ‘error’ situation that we must 1st realize as the truth of the situation & must own-up/square with; that being that your parents as were my parents were taught by their parents/& their Sunday preachers the same Sunday message I was taught; the same I passed on to my daughters the same they are passing on to my grandchildren & on it goes …
But now I am faced with trying to reverse that tide trying to undo the disregarding lessons of my past & now the 3rd & coming 4th generation after me 1st thing out of the box; right off the top I must tell you; that you will never find in any Bible the phrase ‘Melchizedek Priesthood’ it’s just NOT gonna be there!
But what I can show you are the evidences of the same in your Bible, starting at Hebrews 5:6 a reference to YaHoshUvaH being made High-Priest & that ‘certain place’ it speaks of but does not show you is Psalms 110:4 now I will ask you to put some of that ‘gray-matter’ to work yeah like Isaiah compells us to ‘reason together’. Most of us know/are told about the Levitical priesthood being able to find it at Hebrews 7:11; referring to Aaron being the high priest of that order of Levites, aka the Levitical priesthood.
Well isn’t it reasonable that since Yah is NOT the author of confusion? Wouldn’t a Melchizedek High Priest would also have lower priests in that same order? Makes sense so far? Right? What this reveals is a “Royal Priesthood” you & I are being ‘called’ into (see 1 Peter 2:9) To understand the “Royal” of “Royal Priesthood”; you need to know; that the “Melchi” part of Melchizedek means “my king”; while the “zedek” part means righteous! So put together it means my king of righteousness priesthood should give you a huge clue as to what we are to be guarding , upholding & proclaiming – My King’s Covenant Righteousness which includes YaH’s Covenant Commandments; make sense? I hope so!
Sorry but the Sunday we all learned is just NOT there & never was! Please search this point out for yourselves. So if you want favor redemption from Yah please consider doing things Yah’s way who said ‘be ye Holy as I am Holy’; I love you my daughters I want for you as I ask for myself. Wanting to forsake all my sin & to hear ‘well done good & faithful servant.’ Please consider Proverbs 4:18, Psalms 36:4, and 2 Corinthians 11:14. Please do well; I want to see you all again on the other-side; so please consider well your going. Shalom – nothing broken or lacking in your lives! Blessings; Tah!
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