Graduation Eulogy For Mom

Graduation Eulogy For Mom

Graduation Eulogy For Mom

Thank You all for wanting to pay your respects & show support at this time of our mother’s Graduation; the day/date & time Thur.10pm 4/10 timing speaks volumes to me. We all know #7 Biblically means perfection or completion! But 4 in both day & date stress a transition as in passing thru a door! The 10 in both the date & time stress Judgment which can be also a positive! Reward?<> Of the wicked?

Another Resource: What Does The Bible Say About Death?

An Embarrassing Moment

No thanks; I will relate to you a situation that she told me of; many years ago that caused her a Gr8 deal of embarrassment at the time! only being barely 22 at the time can you relate? basically a true life situation comedy

[ b4 that term even ever had meaning] at the Alhambra Church Of The Nazarene, since my folks lived in Alhambra at the time; of course so did I, for the time being. Then at some point we wound up at the Walnut Grove Church Of The Nazarene. Then various locations till we made it to the Hacienda Heights Church Of The Nazarene, from the late 60’s to the mid 70’s; my folks finally moving to Roswell, N. Mex. where they lived until their passing! Dad – 2018 Mom 2024.

A Small Town Girl

So here’s a small town country girl in an unfamiliar Big City setting I had just been born only a few days prior in San Diego for dad was in the navy. So let me see if I can set this up well enuf to capture that moment 70+yrs. ago when the preacher in front of the whole packed Church did say “now we need to dedicate a little new born for Ila Joy Hadder Perry ?;-) Yeah Right Me!

The Whole Church Started Laughing!

So when the whole church started laughing & this barely 20 small town country girl became embarrassed she just wanted to fade into the wallpaper sorry MOM but all the believers here know you’re in a better place! & She’s the one who stuck a Bible in my hand @n my 13th birthday in the mid 60’s I just followed the lead & no doubt the many prayers both of them prayed on my behalf!


Tho my zeal & ardor have gained me the left boot of dis-fellowship even among believers, friends & family! There’s more in the Bible; than most want to know & square with, realize they’re accountable for! A couple of helpping points I’d like to share ALL of us at some point ask why?

Get Your Pen & Paper Ready!

Graduation Eulogy For Mom

Get your pen & paper ready; for you’ll want to remember this its Heb.5:8 is the answer! Heb.5:8 And Ezk.20:37 is also a comfort for it’s where we’re where we’re all headed! I’d like to dedicate the Alan Jackson song ‘I Want To Stroll Over Heaven With You’ to my Mom I Love You Both!; Tell Dad I’ll be along shortly! Be sure to watch for & hold the door open for me! Thank You One & All for indulging me! Altho; this next life poem starts out dark like life ends on a much lighter; brighter place!

*Rhyme YA‘Ho’ש UvaH, YA‘Ho’UvaH

POEM – A Simpleton’s Soliloquy of my LIFE’s WALK or The precious

memories of a jacked-up CONFUSED

common-sense reversed assembly

line?! Thx folks??? NOT!

1st beating us with face/neck/head-

slaps, names, belts, switches &

paddles from when we were very young*;

These are my not-so precious

memories when that jacked-wang song is sung*.

Not only that the memories flood* of

the time I had no choice but to taste

my own blood*.

THEN on top all that – my Sunday

christian’ ‘?’/‘Sainted’ parents weren’t thru*;

For the ‘Jesus’ they taught us; was

born a Hebrew Jew; But there are no‘J’s’ in Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew; so

now whadaya gonna do*?

YA‘Ho’ש UVAH came to earth from heaven to

save all ‘from sin’s 2nd death & tell us, what all of this doing was for*;

like “keep ALL 9 Suggestions Doh! 10 Com’dmts”; to“go and sin no more*”!;

But most excuse Sa10’s Catholic

Sunday; as the most holy thing you could do*; But;

This ‘J’ guy never said before; now

who again spozta save you*?

John 7:16 says this ‘Jesus’ said; ‘My

doctrine is “not” My own*’;

He walked all days in His Father Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s

ways Ya‘Ho’שUvaH’s example for us is shown*.

YA‘Ho’ש UVAH taught and kept

Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s Torah; His Father’s Word

and too*;Kept ALL His Sabbath days; His

Annual Appointed Times; even

Hanukkah at John 10:22*;

BUT Most Churches preach every

Sunday on Easter at Chricedmess even Valentines*;

With flying deer pierced hearts,

jellybean egg-laying chocolate

marshmallow bunnies; all pagan

made up times*.

We teach this to our

children; as Truth and Praise for


We say we follow His Word; but it’s

not there! Any of it! Now, This alone is

highly most very odd*.

Even Church-leaders will tell me;

well we got ta give ‘em somethin’;

When I say “well why not give ‘em the truth*”?

They’ll look at me with loathing

disdain as tho I had just said

something highly profane, unkind,

unclean or uncouth*?

Messiah YA‘Ho’שUvaH’s Birth,

Death, Resurrection The core Bible

that is True*;

We mix with profane customs; then

Praise and Worship with it too*?

2Cor.11:14; presents a sobering

theme of Satan’s ministry done ;

behind the pulpit ‘in’ God’s Church*?

Like that old stuff; was all changed

it’s been ‘fulfilled’; no need to obey, REMEMBER or search*.

Pushing fantasy ‘grace – no law’

just trust in Jesus’ that’s all we need

to do*. But Matthew 7:23 says it differently

obeying the Truth of Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s Torah Laws are on you*.

We’re all taught a Brand New Gospel; All things different from “the Cross*”;

But; the Hebrews 4:2 Sinai ‘Gospel’;remains the same for “them” back

there and ‘now’ for all of us*.

We’re all to confess all sin living

His Com’dts in His Covenant*;

We all are to be Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s very

Family under His Eph.2:12 Israel

commonwealth’ MalkiTzadiq ‘cover-net’*;

Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s Covenant to walk

outside it; is to go it on your own*;

Childish ignorance is of 1 thing is

unstudied arrogance when you’re grown*!

Reward is what we all want; while

Breaching Ya‘Ho’UvaH’s Covenant*?

You’ll get rewarded all right in

what the wicked are to get*!

So turn your heart to the Covenant

Mediator; accept


Learn His Covenant, life, right-

rulings and Com’dnts; Gaining His

MalkiTzadiq life BEFORE your life here on Earth is done*.

How’s that for ending on point?

Also; I would be remiss not to tell you; that I have authored several books & articles dealing with this highly fascinating topic for a time you still can find these titles at; ‘The Covenants of Promise’ & ‘Back To The Melchizedek Future’.; for the time being; be sure to look for these up grades; ‘Our Ubiquitous MalkiTzadiq Covenants of Promise’, ‘Back To Our Rightful MalkiTzadiq Future’, as well as these Brand New Titles;- ‘About As Subtle As A Train-Wreck’, ‘MalkiTzadiq For Nummies’, ‘The MalkiTzadiq Study Guide’; as well a potential array of future titles forthcoming. As Yah leads & His Set Apart Spirit moves HalleluYah! Praise & Blessed Be,He Ahmein!

Please feel FREE to give forward this Poem “&” Bio to all your family & friends; others need this life giving – life restoring suicide averting message; This life ‘IS’ worth the living just because He lives ‘&’ His Promises tho not always immediate are none-the-less True & Sure! HalleluYah Praise be He!

If you ever face or contemplate suicide DON’T DO IT I faced it myself & will help if you could imagine that allowance? Yah does have a plan for you read Heb.5:8 we are to learn the similar obedience thru what we face. I know its hard but it can be done! I did it! I’ll share if you’ll call? Like I said feel free to forward this poem & bio! If this MalkiTzadiq Message connects with you 1Ptr.2:9…

I will leave this at your discretion at Yah’s leading! If this Poem & Yah’s MalkiTzadiq Priesthood Message connects with you; Please feel free to forward this poem to family & friends; others need Yah’s Truth as well; As you all post Y2K folks well know Computers, Computer Software, Computer upgrade/replacement Computer Tech/s aren’t FREE; Please Consider a minuscule $10.00 Donation to help steward & finance

furthering this worthy Suicide Averting Hope Giving, Life Out-Look Restoring & Life Saving cause; LIFE IS WORTH THE LIVING because He Lives And His Promises Are SURE & TRUE!. Call we’ll talk. Too much to type with 1 hand! Shalom! MalkiTzadiq Mispoha-Family Live Well, Love Well; Live Long! Shalom …. I can even give you a way to give/contribute/donate/tithe/offering that does not have to dip into your account while servicing the bio/eco-system ta’boot; anyone can collect bottles & cans netting $1040 .oo @year $20x52wks dahhh! L O L.

If Yah inspired just 2 from each state or every county just in my state alone that would be over $100,000.oo a year putting this MalkiTzadiq message on booster Rockets! Every ministry group Biblical or not vias for your $’s; the plain truth by Eccl.5:1 is that most flat do not deserve it! This Bible verse reducing all who do such as fish-eyed “FOOLS”; Please look it up & read it, its been there all along! The not-so right reverend hide-truth just teaches a sliver mindset as he wants hoping you’ll never be the wizer! Well are you? Then Man-up, sharpen your elbows & gitt’er done!


POEM – A Simpleton’s Soliloquy of my LIFE’s WALK or The precious

memories of a jacked-up CONFUSED

common-sense reversed assembly

line?! Thx folks??? NOT!

1st beating us with face/neck/head-

slaps, names, belts, switches &

paddles from when we were very young*;

These are my not-so precious

memories when that jack-wang song is sung*.

Not only that the memories flood* of

the time I had no choice but to taste

my own blood*.

THEN on top all that – my Sunday

christian’ ‘?’/‘Sainted’ parents weren’t thru*;

For the ‘Jesus’ they taught us; was

born a Hebrew Jew; But there are no‘J’s’ in Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew; so

now whadaya gonna do*?

He came to earth from heaven to

save all ‘from sin’s 2nd death & tell us

what all of this doing was for*;

like “keep ALL 9 Suggestions Doh! 10 Com’dmts”; to“go and sin no more*”!;

But most excuse Satan’s Catholic

Sunday; as the most holy thing to do*;

This ‘J’ guy never said before; now

who again spozta save you*?

John 7:16 says this ‘Jesus’ said; ‘My

doctrine is “not” My own*’;

He walked all days in His Father’s

ways the example for us is shown*.

YAHowUvAH taught and kept

YAHoUvAH’s Torah; His Father’s Word

and too*;Kept ALL His Sabbath days; His

Annual Appointed Times; even

Hanukkah at John 10:22*;

BUT Most Churches preach every

Sunday on Easter at Chricedmess even Valentines*;

With flying deer pierced hearts,

jellybean egg-laying chocolate

marshmallow bunnies; all pagan

made up times*.

We teach this to our

children; as Truth and Praise for


We say we follow His Word; but it’s

not there! Any of it! Now, This alone is

highly most very odd*.

Even Church-leaders will tell me;

well we got ta give ‘em somethin’;

When I say “well why not give ‘em the truth*”?

They’ll look at me with loathing

disdain as tho I had just said

something highly profane, unkind,

unclean or uncouth*?

Messiah ש vah UשUvAH YAHo’s Birth,

Death, Resurrection The core Bible

that is True*;

We mix with profane customs; then

Praise and Worship with it too*?

2Cor.11:14; presents a sobering

theme of Satan’s ministry done ;

behind the pulpit ‘in’ God’s Church*?

Like that old stuff; was all changed

it’s been ‘fulfilled’; no need to obey, REMEMBER or search*.

Pushing fantasy ‘grace – no law’

just trust in Jesus’ that’s all we need

to do*. But Matthew 7:23 says it differently

obeying the Truth of Yah’s Torah Laws are on you*.

We’re all taught a Brand New Gospel; All things different from “the Cross*”;

But; the Hebrews 4:2 Sinai ‘Gospel’;remains the same for “them” back

there and ‘now’ for all of us*.

We’re all to confess all sin living

His Com’dts in His Covenant*;

We all are to be Ya’ho’wha’s very

Family under His Eph.2:12 Israel

commonwealth’ MalkiTzadiq ‘cover-net’*;

Ya’ho’wha’s Covenant to walk

outside it; is to go it on your own*;

Childish ignorance is of 1 thing is

unstudied arrogance when you’re grown*!

Reward is what we all want; while

Breaching Ya’ho’wha’s Covenant*?

You’ll get rewarded all right in

what the wicked are to get*!

So turn your heart to the Covenant

Mediator; accept

Ya‘Ho’shWaH YAHoUvAHs Son*.

Learn His Covenant, life, right-

rulings and Com’dnts; Gaining His

MalkiTzadiq life BEFORE your life here on Earth is done*.

How’s that for ending on point?

Also; I would be remiss not to tell you; that I have authored several books & articles dealing with this highly fascinating topic for a time you still can find these titles at; ‘The Covenants of Promise’ & ‘Back To The Melchizedek Future’.; for the time being; be sure to look for these up grades; ‘Our Ubiquitous MalkiTzadiq Covenants of Promise’, ‘Back To Our Rightful MalkiTzadiq Future’, as well as these Brand New Titles;- ‘About As Subtle As A Train-Wreck’, ‘MalkiTzadiq For Nummies’, ‘The MalkiTzadiq Study Guide’; as well a potential array of future titles forthcoming. As Yah leads & His Set Apart Spirit moves HalleluYah! Praise & Blessed Be,He Ahmein!

Please feel FREE to give forward this Poem “&” Bio to all your family & friends; others need this life giving – life restoring suicide averting message; This life ‘IS’ worth the living just because He lives ‘&’ His Promises tho not always immediate are none-the-less True & Sure! HalleluYah Praise be He! If you ever face or contemplate suicide DON’T DO IT

I faced it myself & will help if you could imagine that allowance? Yah does have a plan for you read Heb.5:8 we are to learn the similar obedience thru what we face. I know its hard but it can be done! I did it! I’ll share if you’ll call? Like I said feel free to forward this poem & bio! If this MalkiTzadiq Message connects with you 1Ptr.2:9…

I will leave this at your discretion at Yah’s leading! If this Poem & Yah’s MalkiTzadiq Priesthood Message connects with you; Please feel free to forward this poem to family & friends; others need Yah’s Truth as well; As you all post Y2K folks well know Computers, Computer Software, Computer upgrade/replacement Computer Tech/s aren’t FREE; Please Consider a minuscule $10.00 Donation to help steward & finance furthering this worthy Suicide Averting Hope Giving, Life Out-Look Restoring & Life Saving cause; LIFE IS WORTH THE LIVING because He Lives And His Promises Are SURE & TRUE!.

Call we’ll talk. Too much to type with 1 hand! Shalom! MalkiTzadiq Mispoha-Family Live Well, Love Well; Live Long! Shalom …. I can even give you a way to give/contribute/donate/tithe/offering that does not have to dip into your account while servicing the bio/eco-system ta’boot; anyone can collect bottles & cans netting $1040 .oo @year $20x52wks dahhh! L O L. If Yah inspired just 2 from each state or every county just in my state alone that would be over $100,000.oo a year putting this MalkiTzadiq message on booster Rockets!

Every ministry group Biblical or not vias for your $’s; the plain truth by Eccl.5:1 is that most flat do not deserve it! This Bible verse reducing all who do such as fish-eyed “FOOLS”; Please look it up & read it, its been there all along! The not-so right reverend hide-truth just teaches a sliver mindset as he wants hoping you’ll never be the wizer! Well are you? Then Man-up, sharpen your elbows & gitt’er done!

One More Share

One more share. Be sure to find Join up/Join in ; keep it Bible feel free! Post, chat, share, learn, meet/make like minded friends & More to come, no doubt! Blessings! Shalom; Tau/Bye; Thanx, again; Blessings All! Thank You! Please; do Drive home safely! I am not the M. C.

Please Contact Me!

That direction will no doubt shortly be forth coming; in a bit at the appropriate time; Shalom; Thanx! PS. YaH has caused me to discover, study, teach & write about His MalkiTzadiq Priesthood; if %’d contact me @ 1-909-231-5732 or e; So with that; I surrender back the mic & the floor! Over and out! Thank You!

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