Article On Lamp Burnout
Lamp Burnout was a not so obvious a reference to the parable of the Ten Virgins to me when this originally first happened a few years back, but my computer tech made that connection for me, shorly after !
Aleph ; Paul says to walk in the light as he is in the light but what light is that; what kind of double talk is that? Ps.36:9 says; For with thee [YaHowUaH] is the fountain of life: in thy [YaHowUaH] light shall we see light. But then 2Cor.11:14 Tell us of another valid light source to avoid! MPC- Modern Malignant Poisoned Communication responsible for everything from ‘what is a woman-non-sense to I’m the opposite sex trapped in my God-given ‘mistake of the wrong;’ birth suit’? Attracted to whom I’m helpless to correct? Really? The trouble with ‘absolute statements’ is they rarely are correct ‘or’ absolute! We ALL are handed a stacked deck! Heb.5:8 holds the answer as to; WHY?
Another Resource: The Parable Of The Ten Virgins
Plainly we ALL are to learn the SAME Obedience thru what we go thru; instead of running in circles, flapping our arms like a spoiled 2 year old screaming ‘I Doh-wanna!;-). To complain is to ensure another year’s trip round the same desert mountain until we do! It took the Israelites 40 years to learn that lesson! That example is left to us so as to learn; NOT to do the same! [Heb..4]! So get-out of that; Woe is me line! Toughen up cupcake! Summer’s comm’n snowflake; and along with it will be the infamous ‘reward of the wicked’!
Enjoy your go and overly warm welcome! Bon Voyage`!
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