Soliloquy Of A Simpleton

Soliloquy Of A Simpleton

Soliloquy Of A Simpleton

Soliloquy Of A Simpleton is just a brief recap of my life’s walk to help me remember and to help you understand.


Thanks folks? NOT! First beating us with face/head-neck slaps, screaming, yelling names, swinging belts, switches & paddles from when we were very *young *.
These are my not-so precious memories when that jack-wang song is *sung *.
Not only that the memories *flood* of the time I had no choice but to taste my own *blood*.
Then on top all that – my ‘chricedian’ ‘?’S‘ainted’ parents weren’t *thru*;
For the ‘Jesus’ that they taught us; was born a Hebrew *Jew*;
but there are no ‘J’s’ in Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew; so now whada you gonna *do*?

YaHoשUvaH came to us

He came to earth from heaven to save all ‘from sin’s 2nd death & tell us what all of this doing was *for*; like “keep ALL 9 Suggestions Doh!;-)>10 Commandments” to; “go and sin no *more*”.
But most excuse Satan’s Catholic Sunday; as the most holy thing to *do*;
This ‘J’ guy never did or said before; now who again spozta save *you*?
John 7:16 says this ‘Jesus’ said "My doctrine is not” My *own*;
He walked all days in His Father’s Torah ways the example for us is *shown*
Ya’Ho’שUaH=Ya’Ho’shUaH taught and kept Ya’Ho’UaH’s Torah; His Father’s Word and *too*;
Kept ALL His Sabbath days; His Annual Appointed Times; even Hanukkah at Jn.10:*22*
BUT Most Churches preach every Sunday on Easter at Christmas and *Valentines*
With flying deer pierced hearts jellybean egg-laying chocolate marshmallow bunnies; all pagan made up *times*.
We teach this to our children; as Truth and Praise for *‘God*’?

We need to follow His Word

We say we follow His Word; but it’s not there! Any of it!; Now,This alone is highly most very *odd*.
Even Church-leaders will tell me “well we got ta give ‘em somethin’” When I say “well why not give ‘em the *truth*”?
They’ll look at me with loathing *disdain as tho
I had just said something highly *profane, unclean, unkind or *uncouth*?
Messiah Ya’Ho’wUaH-Ya’Ho’shUaH’s Birth, Death, Resurrection; The core Bible that is *True*;
We mix with profane customs; then Praise and Worship with it *too*?
2Cor.11:14; presents a sobering theme of Satan’s ministry done behind the pulpit in Yah’s *Church*?
Like that old stuff it was all changed it’s been ‘fulfilled’; no need to obey, Remember or *search*!
Pushing fantasy ‘grace – no law’; ‘just trust in Jesus’ that’s all we need to *do*?
But Matthew 7:23 says it differently obeying the Truth of Yah’s Torah Laws are on *you*.
We’re all taught a Brand New Gospel All things different from “the *Cross”*;
But; the Hebrews 4:2 Sinai ‘Gospel’; remains the same for them back there and now for all of *us*.
We’re all to confess all sin living His Commandments in His *Covenant*;
We all are to be Ya’Ho’UaH’s very Family under His Eph2:12 ‘commonwealth’ Melchizedek ‘cover-*net*’

Ya’Ho’UaH’s Covenant

Ya’Ho’UaH’s Covenant to walk outside it is to go it on your *own*;
Childish ignorance is of one thing is unstudied arrogance when we’re *grown*.
Reward is what we all want while Breaching Ya’Ho’UaH’s *Covenant*?
You’ll get rewarded all right in what the wicked are to *get*.
So turn your heart to the Melchizedek Covenant Mediator; accept Ya’Ho’wUaH Ya’Ho’shUaH; Ya’Ho’UaH’s *Son*.
Learn His MalkiTzadiq Covenant, life, right-rulings and Cmdnts;
Gaining His Melchizedek life BEFORE your life here on earth is *done*.

Composed by David L. Perry Th.D. © 2008, Hope to see ya’ll when the smoke fades & the Lights show thru! Ps.36:9, 111:10, Prv.4:18, avoid! =\= 2Cor.11:14-15!; Prv.15:10, 2Thess.2:10-11! Live Well Live long be Blessed; Shalom!


I would be remiss; also being compelled by Hab.2:2 to make it plain! My passion & drive is the MalkiTzadiq Priesthood of Ya‘Ho’שUaH, =’s Ya‘Ho’shUaH (Num.13:16/Acts4:12), the only begotten of Ya‘Ho’UaH; Abba the Father! Yah has inspired me to write 4 books on this fascinating under proclaimed issue!

My Books

2 can still be found on 1.The Covenants of Promise, 2.Back ToThe Melchizedek Future. Look on Amazon for forth coming relaunches of the fore-stated & these brand new titles; About as Subtle as A train-Wreck, MalkiTzadiq for Nummies ,The Melchizedek Workbook, along with others as Yah leads! Please feel free to copy this poem & bio UNALTERED! IN ITS ENTIRETY to share with family & friends!

How you can help!

Yah has lead me to the awareness that this poem is effectively a sermon in poetic form! This MalkiTzadiq Message has averted suicide! Please consider a minuscule $10.oo donation per copy. To help finance & steward this hope restoring, life preserving message! I will not beg anyone; But I can empower you with a mode not fully understood. Anyone can recycle bottles & cans. Easily netting $20.oo @week 52weeks@year> = $1040oo @year most are just flat unaware of.

If Yah should inspire just 2 from every state or every county just in my state alone; that would be over 100.OOK, a yr. making this MalkiTzadiq message unstoppable on booster rocket steroids! Pls. use the link @ V; Live Well, Love Well Live Long Blessings V;MalkiTzadiq Mishpoha = family ThankYou! V;

O.P.A.] or as needed Thx.


Being of few words

I know that I am direct of few words & to the point! I know some find this off putting! It’s not for lack of love it’s just that I love Yah & His word enough to follow it saying what it says just the way it says it! So should you! See Mat.7:23, 5:17, Heb.4:2! I found this just the other day; if you need healing like I & most do see Isa.58:8 & find the words ‘I will heal you speedily’ I know I can’t speak for you, but I surely could use that!

That’s why I will make every effort to make this so in my life! I would highly advise your doing the same! For you need to understand that healing is a covenant benefit reserved for covenant keepers! Make sense? I hope that connects for that’s just the way it is! Lev.23 is huge! For it lines out all the ‘mo-eds’ of YaHoUaH!

The way the Bible spells Love to Yah & always will is … O B E D I E N C E! [Mt.7:23!] Shalom! Tah.

Here’s a friend’s website for more truths: StandUp4Jesus.Org

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