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The Quadfecta of Religious Rebellion
The Quadfecta of Religious Rebellion
Alephv; Adapted from the horse-racing term ‘tri-fecta’ meaning a ‘3 way win op’ the modern post Y2K have expanded that to a ‘4 way op’ or a Quad-fecta of Religious Rebellion op this ‘opportunity’ is the chance to ‘win’/realize the irreversible one way damnation to the inFamous Hell’s Fire Lake Resort & Spa. Congrats on THAT!! On such an Enviable Auster Stellar achievement! Enjoy your go & no doubt eye popping brisk toasty enthusiastic warm welcome! Or get out of that line, believe YaH’s Bible; while you still can! In either choice; have thine own way! By all means suit yourself! So That way what you get all comes back to you (#1)! But this should not surprise you, right?
Another Resource: Eddy Chumney on Melchizedek At Jacob’s Tent
Called To Be YaH’s Spokesman
On the same contesting vein; I have started to realize this as part of my Jeremiah 15:19-21 YaH-given ‘Life Verse’ calling, assurance & potential!
For this potential to be fully realized I must 1st fully realize the ‘rightly dividing [2 Timothy 2:15] point of YaH’s Word that few have ever considered let alone been taught! This alone puts me in the unique position of speaking; being a prophet like Moshe [Deuteronomy 18:18-21] in the place of YaHowUvaH for this my generation much as He Himself did say “you will do as I have done ‘and’ more” at [John 14:12]! It has occurred to me that these verses put together, … have a definite for every generation unmistakable overtone of conveyance.
Which further only makes sense for none of us under Heaven can live forever! And a merciful YaH is ever-ready to extend & show us His will and mercy; but we must accept appropriating it into each life to be saved! Aye? This includes appropriating the ‘mind’ of ‘Christ’ we have to understand this ‘mind’ of ‘MasshiYaH’ is ‘MalkiTzadiq’; Surprize!? [Psalms 110:1-4, Hebrews 4, 5, …] if you want to contact me; via; my e: or call +1-909-231-5732 pst 8-8pm. Thx! Would be GLAD to help you on your journey!
Join Heaven’s Royal MalkiTzadiq Priesthood
Join YaH’s reign of Heaven’s MalkiTzadiq Priesthood (Revelation 3:10). We are all called to by [1Ptr.2:9/Ps.110:1-4/Heb.4 & 5] Heaven’s best and our rightful 1st Place from the Sinai beginning [Ex.19:5 & 6]! only lost to us; by the events of Exodus 32; reinstated by the coming, Miraculous life events; birth, death and resurrection of our/YaH’s Ever Living MalkiTzadiq High Priest; Blessings; Shalom; [Corinthians 13:13] LOVE- Lead On Vetted Evidence! Fake fairy-tales (Amos 3:7) are NOT True or Love; no matter how pleasing or well put together they are a beautiful fragerant rose still contains rows of thorns that must be overcome accounted for and dealt with safely! Also …
Join YaH’s One Path Assembly
Look for, find and join; post, comment, learn, like, share; keep it Bible, feel, free! Enjoy, be blessed, be a blessing! Tah^! F E A R; Frightful Evidence Appearing Real [Joshua 40:15] or Frightful Evidence Amassing Rebellion [1 Samuel 23:15]! We/I always heard the sin/witchcraft Christian church blurp; but I never heard of this other till I actually had to know the actual Bible address for it, an actual for real O.M.G. moment!
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