Truth Behind February 14th

Truth Behind February 14th

Truth Behind February 14th

The truth behind Valentine’s Day is that we use the true names of our creator as there is power in *his name.* God and the Lord are titles, and it’s not *his name.* Yahoo *he is our *heavenly father.* Jesus has no meaning. YaHoUshUvaH means Return to YaH, for He is our salvation.

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Elohim means mighty one or Mighty ones. The real name of our heavenly father is YaHoUvaH. We use the true names of our creator as there is power in *his name!

for the balance of this presentation, God and Lord are titles, and is not his name yahua is our heavenly father Jesus has no meaning yeah yeshua means your eyes are salvation Elohi means mighty one or Mighty ones the real name of our heavenly father is yahua

The Bible translators admit to removing his name over 7,000 times from our Bibles and replacing it with the Lord and God

Hallelujah YaH is his name psalm 68:4 Camus of Babylon Cupid of pagan room question mark celebrate Valentine’s Day?

A 5th- or 6th-century work called Passio Marii et Marthae made up a legend about Saint Valentine’s Basilica being dedicated to Saint Valentine in Rome.

Valentine’s Day is the world’s holiday of Love since the Bible States yahuah is love 1st John 4:8 through 16 does He approve of the celebration of this day does he want His people, True Believers partaking of the candy and cards or any paying Customs associated with this day question two who is the true hero behind Valentine’s Day celebrates TAMUZ it equals Nimrod the true hero of Valentine’s Day their hero they’re strong man they’re Valentine commences people concerning Pagan customs and traditions.

True Believers

Whereas true believers; learn not the way of the Heathen for the customs of the people are vain Jeremiah 10 2 and 3 do your own research go to the history books and encyclopedia go to the Bible then you will know the real truth behind the St. Valentine’s Day question!

3 what is wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is steeped in paganism and sexual perversion like Christmas Easter Halloween New Year’s and other holidays of this world.

St Valentine’s Day is another attempt to whitewash perverted customs and observations of pagan gods and idols by christianizing them as innocent and harmless as Valentine’s Day may appear it’s traditionally custom originate from two of the little sexually perverted Pagan festivals of ancient history the feast day of June Juno Rivera celebrated on February 15th lubricalia known as the Festival of sexual license was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupus God of fertility and husbandry protector of herds and crops in the mighty Hunter especially of wolves the Romans believe that supercaliusquestion

4 what happened at the festival of lupusia which is today known as the as Valentine’s Day this isn’t by Vestal virgins of loop recipe male priests conducted purification rights by sacrificing goats and a dog in the lubrical cave on Palatine Hill

where the Romans believe the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered. And nursed by a She Wolf before they eventually founded room clothing made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood the lupacy would run around room striking women with thongs made of of the skins of the sacrificed goats. The Looper see, believe that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth.

February drives from fabora

February derives from fibera or means of purification to the Romans February was also sacred to Juno February the goddess of of zebras fever of love and of women and marriage February 14th Village same small pieces of paper he had the name of a teenage girl written on it we’re put into a container teenage boys within choose one of the Billet at random in the in the teenage boys would then choose one Billet at random the boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a couple erotic games at freeze and party celebrated throughout room after the festival they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year this custom was observed in room Roman Empire for centuries we cannot take take part in a festival in honor of sexual perversions in an encouraging sexual sins before in encouraging sexual since before marriage it isagainst everything good that the scripture teaches no wonder we have so many young mothers aged 11 and 12 giving birth or a boarding their babies living together in sexual sin and all the sexual perversion of homosexuality lesbianism an addiction to pornography what did

Pope Julius rename the the Juno Federal renamed the Festival of Juno February as the feast of the purification of the Virgin Mary the date of this observation was later changed from February 14th to February 2nd then change back to the 14th and also known as nudist candle was presentation of the Lord purification of the Blessed Virgin and the and the Feast of the presentation of Christ in the temple all Pagan teachings of of the Roman Catholic Church

question 6 would Pope gelatia changed the the name and date of Valentine’s Day Julia CS Julius change the name to Valentine’s Day to be the 14th of February each year after after Constantine had made the Roman Church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of of the Roman Empire in 80 325 church leaders wanted to do away with the the pagan festivals of the people lubricalia supercalia what was high on their list but the Roman citizens through throughout thought otherwise it was not until 496 that the Church of room was able to do anything about Loop loopercalia powerless to get rid of it

Julius instead changed it to from February 15th to the 14th and called it Saint Valentine’s Day it was named after one of one of that church of saints in we cannot take part in a festival in honor of sexual perversion and encouraging sexual sins before marriage as it is against everything good that the scripture teaches no wonder we have so many young mothers age 11 through 12 years giving birth or aborting their babies living together in sexual sin and all the sexual perversion of homosexuality lesbianism and an addiction to pornography what did Pope delirious rename the February February Festival call julara CS jealousiest in the Festival of Juno the Feast of purification of Virgin Mary of the Virgin Mary the day was observed was later changed from February 14th to February the 2nd then change back to the 14th it also known as candlemus the the pure the presentation of the Lord the purification of the Blessed Virgin in the Feast of the presentation of Christ in the temple all Pagan teachings of the Roman Catholic Churchquestion 6 when did Paul delirious change the name and date of Valentine’s Day jealousy us change the name to Valentine’s Day to be the 14th of February each year after Constantine and made the Roman Church’s brand of Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire 8325 church leaders wanted to do away with the pagan festivals of the people was high on their list but the Roman citizens throughout thought otherwise it was not until ad 496 that the Church of Rome was able to do anything about duplicate powerless to get rid of it jealous instead changed it from February 15th to the 14th and called it Saint Valentine’s Day it was named it was named after one of that churches Saints who in 80 70 was executed by the emperor for his believes as mentioned the Romans celebrated to honor the hunter God lubricus to the Greeks from whom the Romans had had copied most of their mythology was known as Pan the God of Light the the venetians worshiped the same deity as bail the sun god Baal was one of many names or titles for nimrod a mighty Hunter especially of wolves he was also the founder and first Lord of Babel Genesis 10 10 through 12 did you know the heart shape used in Valentine’s Day originated from the shape is not what our heart looks like here to show you what her heart really looks like this is what the real human heart looks like nothing like the Valentine’s heart on the left can you see how you have been deceived the heart symbol iscan you see we’ve been deceived the heart symbol is dedicated to the worship of nimrod also known as bail the worship of the Sacred Heart was introduced into Rome it was also in ancient Babylon as is evident from the Babylonian system as it appeared in Egypt there also was a Sacred Heart was venerated the heart was one of the Sacred symbols of Osiris when when he was born again and appeared as hypocratics or the infant Divinity born in the arms of his mother Isis the heart was one of the Sacred symbols of a Cyrus when he was born again here it has hypocratics or a horse or the infant divinity born in the arms of his mother Isis in Egypt hypocrats for the infant or Sarah’s will symbolize as a heart in room Cuban was known as the god of the heart for the god of romance we will learn how cupid is tied to the Babylonian system in nimrod nimrod is mentioned in the Bible and Genesis 10 9 through 12 yes and her Sun Cupid then we’re none other than the Madonna and the child his slot tells us that the Sacred Heart was worshiped in the ancient India and that it comes from the ancient Babylonian deity well I did page 155 the veneration worship of the sacred Heart reached India for their Vishnu the meteor meditorial God in one of his forms was wounded it is foot wearing a heart suspended on his breast now now notice the no notice the cupid it comes from the Latin verb puberty meaning desire stupid was the son of Venus Roman goddess of of love of beauty and love also known as Eros the ancient Greece in ancient Greece he was the son of in room cupid is really Nimrod glorified now notice the name Cupid it comes from the Latin verb qupria meaning desire Cupid was the son of Venus Roman goddess of beauty and love also as Eros in ancient Greece he was the son of Aphrodite according to myth he was responsible for impregnating numerous goddesses and Bortles Cupid was a childlike Archer remember Nimrod was a skilled Archer mythology describes Cupid as having both a cruel and happy personally he would use his invisible arrows temp with gold to strike unsuspecting men and women causing them

to fall madly in love he did not do this for their benefit but to drive them crazy with intense pack to make their lives miserable and to laugh at the results many of the Gods of the Egyptian grief’s Romans Assyrians and others were modeled after one man nimrod what do a question nine what do all these pagan holidays have to do with Bible believers question 10 what will your wife or girlfriend think of you if you do not spoil her with gifts and flowers on Valentine’s Day if you take the time to explain to her why why you no longer celebrate these vegan holidays I’m sure she will be understanding if you choose to surprise her with flowers from time to time is isn’t it ridiculous that we should only boil our loved ones on these pagan holidays it’s also very much money making a money making thing promoted by businesses the sacred heart is shown on fire symbolic of the sun god bail send this or Helios can be found on Buddha on the queen on the Queen of Heaven Sacred Heart The Sacred Heart of Rome Catholicism is worshiped as a flaming heart as maybe seen on rosaries devoted to to that worship question 11 is it important to to rather please yahua then man should it should matter to you what you who thinks Yahoo warns is question 11 is it important to rather please Yahoo then man it should matter to you what you really thinks Yahoo warns us do not learn the ways of the heathen for the customs of the people are vain Jeremiah 10 2 and 3 also notice you who is the words in Matthew 15:9 in vain they do worship me teachings for doctrines the Commandments of men throughout the scriptures yahua describes heathens as those who worship things that he created animals sun moon stars trees or man-made carved idols or anything but the one true Ellen he calls such people and their practices pagan and it is an Abomination hateful to him True Believers will understand that yahua hates any Customs practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism question 12 what has always been the biggest downfall for you who is People Israel throughout all generations including today Yahoo We rescued the 12 tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and led them out of Egypt he commanded them after the doings of the land of Egypt wherein you dwelt shall you not do and after the doings of the land of Canaan where I bring you so you not do neither shall you walk in their there ordinances Leviticus 18:3 Yahoo demands the Israelites not do not to defile themselves with the Pagan practices and customs of surrounding Nations versus 24th to 29 therefore shall you keep mine ordinances that you do not commit any of these Abominations abominable customs which were committed before you and that you defile not your cells they’re in I am Yahoo your Elohim verse 30 yo who is indescribes the Pagan ways of these ungodly Nations in detail in verse 7 through 20 yahua condemns all kinds of heterosexual sex relation that fall outside the holy bonds of marriage incest fornication adultery Etc in verses 22:23question 11 is it important to please Yahoo rather than men it should matter to you what you would think you warns us do not learn the way of the Heathen for the customs of the people are vain Jeremiah 10 2 and 3 also notice you who is words in Matthew 15:9

in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the Commandments of men teaching as doctrines the Commandments of men Yahoo rather than man throughout the scriptures yahuas describes heathens as those who worship things that he created animals sun moon stars trees or man-made carved Idols or anything but the one true Elohim he calls such people and their practices Pagan and it is an Abomination hateful to him True Believers will understand that you who I hate any Customs practices and traditions that are rooted in paganism

question 12 what was always what has always been the biggest downfall of you who was People Israel throughout all the generations including today yahua rescued the 12 tribes of Israel from brutal slavery and then LED them out of Egypt he commanded them after the doing after the doings of the land of Egypt where are you dwell shall you not do and after the doings of the land of Canaan where I bring you shall you not do neither shall you walk in there ordinances Leviticus 18:3

Yahoo demanded the Israelites not not to do not to defile themselves with Pagan practices and customs of surrounding Nations versus 24 through 29 therefore shall you keep my ordinances that you should do to do not commit any one of these abominable customs which were committed before you and that you defile not yourselves they’re in I am Yahoo your Elohim verse 30 yeah who is indescribes the Pagan ways of these ungodly Nations and Detail in versus 7 through 20 Yahoo condemns all kinds of heterosexual relations that fall outside the holy bounds of marriage incense fornication adultery in verses 22-23 Yahoo condemns homosexuality and bestiality together these sends break down and destroy the family unit that yellow had so lovingly creative an instituted am Yahoo your Elohim verse 30 Yahoo then describes the Pagan ways of these ungodly nations in detail in verses 7 through 20 yahua condemns all kinds of heterosexual relationships that fall outside the bones of marriage incest fornication adultery Etc versus 22 through 23 Yahoo condemns home homosexuality and beastiality together these sins break down and destroy the family that yellow had so lovingly created and instituted

question 13 what is your responsibility to your children parents are to teach their children the ways of yahua not the ways of the world to be a good example to their children question 14 what is the problem with parents today Elohim verse 30 yahua then describes the Pagan ways of these nations and Detail in verse 7 through 20 yahua condemns all kinds of heterosexual relations outside the bonds of marriage it says fornication adultery Etc in versus 22 to 23 Yahoo condemns heterosexual homosexuality and bestiality together these sins break down and destroy the family unit that yahwah had so lovingly created and instituted question 13 what is your responsibility to your children parents are to teach their children the ways of Yahoo not the ways of the world parents are to be a good example to their children question 14 what is the problem with parents today today expect their little parents today expected a little ones to fall in love and have boyfriends and girlfriends they think it’s cute with little boys and girls whole hands couple sneaking a kiss or two no one is watching some parents get get worried when their kids do not show romantic interest in the opposite sex constantly ask them do you have a a boyfriend yet who’s your girlfriend yet the same parents are surprised shocked and angry with their teenage little girl gets pregnant or catches a sexually transmitted disease or gets an abortion behind their back Valentine’s Day is just one of many tools the God of this world Satan 2 Corinthians 4:4 uses to get parents to sacrifice the innocence of their children question 15 what is wrong with sexual intimacy before marriage boys and girls draw each other’s names in a lottery and send Valentine’s cards and gives to each other declaring their love they are learning the first stages of intimacy relate intimate relations that the Creator LOL he designed specifically for emotionality emotionally mature adults instead of embracing the Carefree innocence of you growing up without the headaches and heartaches of adulthood of adulthood finding a good job paying bills raising a family Etc children today are taught to lust after each other they are caught up in a daily drama of if you you loved me you’d sleep with me I’m I’m pregnant it’s not mine she had an abortion by the time they reached adulthood virtually every shred of Innocence sincerity and Mortal decency has been stripped from them emotionally drained they have World worry been there done thatattitudes and their lives are just beginning their innocence and Purity are lost forever bringing many consequences of ungodly soul ties into their other relationships no wonder our our mortal standards are so low today therefore we live in a world where a teenage version is a is a rarefind is a rare find find attitudes is a rare find because their parents have not taught them to respect their bodies and to remain a virgin until marriage because y’allah knows what is best are in are encouraging their children into sexual relationships had a very young age parents are not teaching you I was told before the children are are following the ways of the world which is an Abomination to Yahoo the word shacking up and living in sin is now simply living together their sex is nothing more than meaningless physical relationship recreation no emotional attachments no no cares no no concerns or people change sex partners as conveniently as they change their clothes because their parents have not taught them to respect their bodies and to remain a virgin until marriage because y’all knows what is best parents are encouraging their children into sexual relationship at a very young age parents are not teaching Torah therefore the children are of the world which is an abomination to to Yahoo the word shacking up and living in sin is now simply living together for sex is nothing more than a meaningless physical Recreation no emotional attachments no no concerns where people change that for their conveniently as they change their clothes where unmarried 20 30 somethings have at least five sexual partners in that is considered a low number especially in the United States where where men are not referred to as my husband or my fiance but as my second baby’s father physical Recreation as a change their clothes

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